What is searching for higher truth is not a personal "I" but an aspect of consciousness itself, which expresses as inspiration, devotion, dedication, and perseverance—all of which are aspects of the spiritual will.
Therefore, the source of the search for the Self is the Self itself actualizing the necessary processes by virtue of its own qualities, which are facilitated by Grace.
From: The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden (2002), Chapter 9: Advanced Awareness, p. 132
The Basic Process
To look within is an attitude rather than a technique or spiritual practice.
This means to relinquish the fascination with the content of mind and the world that it reflects. T
his detachment may be felt initially as a possible loss, as if one is facing experiencing the death of the world and all its promises.
Such a death may be passively experienced as such, but it is merely the passing of an illusion.
The source of pleasure never was without but was always within.
It was never the world that granted pleasure at all but one’s own enjoyment of it.
It is not really the loss of the world itself that is feared, but boredom.
Boredom passes when it is recognized as merely the consequence of clinging to a yearning for the past or the future, and it is only the ego that can be bored.
The ego thrives on novelty and is completely dependent on what is happening ‘next’.
The ego therefore thrives and lives on anticipation of future satisfaction instead of experiencing the absolute completion that is available only in the Now.
Akin to the fear of boredom is its underlying illusion that boredom is constituted by nothingness.
The illusion of a possible void presents itself and seems a threat.
The path, then, is from letting go of the illusion of the realm of the everythingness of the mind/world, through the illusion of void/nothingness, to the goal of the awareness of Allness that replaces both prior illusory states.
It is reassuring to remember that all states are illusions and capable of being traversed by the spiritual will and progressive awareness.
Who Is Doing The Seeking?
The illusion of the ego dissolves as the prefix ‘I’ is removed from all action.
What ego claims as its actions are merely self-existent characteristics whose functions are automatic, determined by local conditions, and without an imaginary ‘I’ to activate them.
One does not think, feel, or even exist because of an action or decision by some inner, invisible ‘I’.
Thinking and feeling occur unasked.
►What is searching for higher truth is not a personal ‘I’ but an aspect of consciousness itself that expresses as inspiration, devotion, dedication, and perseverance, all of which are aspects of the spiritual will. Therefore, the source of the search for the Self is the Self itself actualizing the necessary processes by virtue of its own qualities, which are facilitated by Grace.◄
As another example, curiosity is a quality that exists without a personal self or decision to activate it.
Curiosity, one might say, is an independent, impersonal quality of consciousness and is universal throughout the animal kingdom.
It does not need an ‘I’ to be curious.
There is no inner, independent personal ‘I’ that makes decisions; to prefix all thinking, action, and feeling with the pronoun ‘I’ is just a convenience of speech.
The inner personal self could be referred to just as well as an ‘it’.
From: The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing is Hidden (2002), Chapter 9: Advanced Awareness, pp. 131–132
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