►Nothing in the universe happens by chance or accident.
The universe is a coherent concurrence and interaction of innumerable conditions attendant on the infinite number of energy patterns.
In the state of awareness, all this is obvious and can be clearly seen and known.
Outside that level of awareness, it could be likened to innumerable, invisible magnetic fields that automatically coalesce or repel one's position, and which interact according to the positions and relative strengths and polarities.
Everything influences everything else and is in perfect balance.◄
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 11: Along the Pathway, p. 170
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With Additional Context:
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All religions teach that there will be a nonphysical life that supersedes the physical one. The confusion here arises from the misidentification of this life as physical and other lives as nonphysical, or recurrently physical. To begin with, this life is an inner, subjective experiencing that includes, but is independent of, the physical body. Thus, this current existence is not actually physical, either.
This life is the subjective adventure of that mysterious entity called ‘I’.
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 11: Along the Pathway, p. 170
With Additional Context:
All religions teach that there will be a nonphysical life that supersedes the physical one. The confusion here arises from the misidentification of this life as physical and other lives as nonphysical, or recurrently physical. To begin with, this life is an inner, subjective experiencing that includes, but is independent of, the physical body. Thus, this current existence is not actually physical, either.
This life is the subjective adventure of that mysterious entity called ‘I’.
This current experience of the ‘I’ may consider itself physical, but that in itself is an illusion.
Whether successive life experiences include the illusion of physicality or not is really irrelevant to the inference and significance of the sequential progress of conditions.
All ‘lifetimes’ are subjective, nonphysical, interrelated, and actually continuous.
Each is conditioned and determined by choices, positionalities, and their consequences.
All possibilities are included in the evolution of consciousness.
Once consciousness stops identifying with form, it is then beyond karma.
It is of considerable interest that newborns already have a calibratable level of consciousness at the time of their birth, and that this level in most people tends to persist throughout their lifetime.
It is of considerable interest that newborns already have a calibratable level of consciousness at the time of their birth, and that this level in most people tends to persist throughout their lifetime.
The progression of consciousness in the average human being during one lifetime is an advance of about five points.
Paradoxically, however, the level of consciousness of mankind as a whole remained at 190 for many centuries, and only recently crossed the critical line of 200 to the current level of 207.
The rate of increase of the general level of consciousness is held back by the immense number of people who continue to make negative decisions and choices.
Q: Is karma therefore related to form?
If at birth, one's energy field calibrates at 150. This person's main confront will certainly be anger. They may spend a lifetime, or many lifetimes, with anger as the central theme. Persons who are in the energy field that calibrates in the 50s will face a life of poverty and deprivation and may be born in a starving population, ravaged by disease and war.
Preexisting conditions of consciousness consist of patterns expressed as prevailing energy fields of relative power. Each level contains within it the unresolved issues and limitations which characterize that level and thereby confront the individual. Let us say that,
Q: Aren't conditions at birth pure chance, depending on genes, chromosomes, and the accident of geography and time?
A: ►Nothing in the universe happens by chance or accident. The universe is a coherent concurrence and interaction of innumerable conditions attendant on the infinite number of energy patterns. In the state of Awareness, all this is obvious and can be clearly seen and known. Outside that level of awareness, it could be likened to innumerable, invisible magnetic fields which automatically coalesce or repel one's position and which interact according to the positions and relative strengths and polarities. Everything influences everything else and is in perfect balance.◄
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 11: Along the Pathway, pp. 169–170
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Related Teachings:
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From "I: Reality and Subjectivity" (2003), Chapter 15: Karma, pp. 251–252:
The entire universe and all that it contains operates as a unitary karmic unfoldment of God Manifest in that each and every element in it becomes the fulfillment and expression of its own essence. Thus, the experience of life is the interactive dance of all these fields, which is the consequence of the divinely ordained capacity for existence.
That which has existence may also be created with the capacity for life and thus become a ‘being’. ‘To be’ is to exist with the consciousness of life itself as the light that illuminates the capacity for awareness.
Inasmuch as the entire universe and everything in it is a karmic unity, the Allness of Reality is the realization of enlightenment. If all is a karmic unity that originates from the same source, then to see any separation is an artifact of perception. In Reality, the one and the many are the same.
Anyone who is familiar with muscle testing can easily answer all questions about karma. In essence, individual karma is an information package (analogous to a computer chip) that exists within the nonphysical domain of consciousness. It contains the code of stored information that is intrinsic to and a portion of the spiritual body or soul. The code represents a condensation of all past experiences, together with associated nuances of thought and feeling. The spirit body retains freedom of choice, but the range of choices has already been patterned.
It is obvious that propensities would tend to recur but, at the same time, afford opportunity for change; for example, to transcend the paradox of opposites. The soul may choose physical reincarnation, become a discarnate, or explore the astral realms and thus struggle in hells and purgatories or, more hopefully, follow into the heavens because of the support of and surrender to Love, Truth, God, and/or a Savior.
Q: Is karma therefore related to form?
If at birth, one's energy field calibrates at 150. This person's main confront will certainly be anger. They may spend a lifetime, or many lifetimes, with anger as the central theme. Persons who are in the energy field that calibrates in the 50s will face a life of poverty and deprivation and may be born in a starving population, ravaged by disease and war.
Preexisting conditions of consciousness consist of patterns expressed as prevailing energy fields of relative power. Each level contains within it the unresolved issues and limitations which characterize that level and thereby confront the individual. Let us say that,
Q: Aren't conditions at birth pure chance, depending on genes, chromosomes, and the accident of geography and time?
A: ►Nothing in the universe happens by chance or accident. The universe is a coherent concurrence and interaction of innumerable conditions attendant on the infinite number of energy patterns. In the state of Awareness, all this is obvious and can be clearly seen and known. Outside that level of awareness, it could be likened to innumerable, invisible magnetic fields which automatically coalesce or repel one's position and which interact according to the positions and relative strengths and polarities. Everything influences everything else and is in perfect balance.◄
From: “The Eye of the I: From Which Nothing Is Hidden” (2002), Chapter 11: Along the Pathway, pp. 169–170
Related Teachings:
From "I: Reality and Subjectivity" (2003), Chapter 15: Karma, pp. 251–252:
The entire universe and all that it contains operates as a unitary karmic unfoldment of God Manifest in that each and every element in it becomes the fulfillment and expression of its own essence. Thus, the experience of life is the interactive dance of all these fields, which is the consequence of the divinely ordained capacity for existence.
That which has existence may also be created with the capacity for life and thus become a ‘being’. ‘To be’ is to exist with the consciousness of life itself as the light that illuminates the capacity for awareness.
Inasmuch as the entire universe and everything in it is a karmic unity, the Allness of Reality is the realization of enlightenment. If all is a karmic unity that originates from the same source, then to see any separation is an artifact of perception. In Reality, the one and the many are the same.
Anyone who is familiar with muscle testing can easily answer all questions about karma. In essence, individual karma is an information package (analogous to a computer chip) that exists within the nonphysical domain of consciousness. It contains the code of stored information that is intrinsic to and a portion of the spiritual body or soul. The code represents a condensation of all past experiences, together with associated nuances of thought and feeling. The spirit body retains freedom of choice, but the range of choices has already been patterned.
It is obvious that propensities would tend to recur but, at the same time, afford opportunity for change; for example, to transcend the paradox of opposites. The soul may choose physical reincarnation, become a discarnate, or explore the astral realms and thus struggle in hells and purgatories or, more hopefully, follow into the heavens because of the support of and surrender to Love, Truth, God, and/or a Savior.
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