Sunday, April 30, 2017

This is what you really are.

If you think your human, if you believe you're human
everything has been planned for you.
Your whole life has been ordained, outlined. 

But now if you come to the conclusion that you're not human,
that you're not the body or the mind, that there are no problems,
you were never born and so you have nothing to do with your existence. 

There never will be a time when you will leave your body.
You are the same, yesterday, today and forever. 

Absolute reality, self-contained, all-pervading, Brahman,
sat-chit-ananda, nirvana, this is your real nature. 

This is what you really are.

Then why does the world affect you so? Why don't you awaken?
You don't know.You don't know because you are already awake. 

There's nothing to know. In order to know something
there has to be a knower.

 Who is the knower? 

Never answer that question, for there isn't any knower. 

A knower does not exist, consequently there's absolutely
nothing to know. There's nothing to do. 

There's nothing to be or become. There is no enlightenment.
There's no self-realization. 

There is absolute blank! And you are the blankety, blank, blank.

Why do you think of yourself as a person
that goes through experiences? 

Because you appear to go through experiences,
this is the appearance in your life. 

You have one experience after the another.
But don't you have the same experiences in dreams? 

When you dream you dream that you are going through experiences,
one experience after the other,
yet you wake up and you realize it's a dream. 

Yet you sit here and take life so seriously
believing that's the dream but this is reality.

Yet if I approached you in your dream you would tell me that
this is reality. You would swear up and down that the dream
was a reality and that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Yet, you woke up and you called the experience a dream.

What to call this experience? A mortal dream, a lie, delusion?

Even by calling it names like this is a mistake,
because there is someone left calling names. 

There has to be someone to name something
so the someone is calling this is a delusion,
calling this existence a lie. 

By those very thoughts the experiences become true and real
for you. There is absolutely nothing you can do about your situation
except keep quiet

Do you follow what I'm saying?

If you try to denounce the world and you keep saying
the world is a lie, you will feel the world more deeply,
for there's someone whose saying that. 

It is that someone who has to be destroyed, not the condition,
not the situation. For the condition, the situation
is only an appearance coming from the someone. 

So do not work on trying to remove the delusion in front of you,
do you see what I'm saying?

Do not do the meditation of trying to see the world as nothing
rather try to imagine or see who this someone is
who sees this world as nothing. 

It is that someone who has to be annihilated,
not the affect but the cause. The cause is that
there is someone thinking about all of these things. 

There's someone trying to be self-realized.
There is someone trying to end all their problems.
There is someone trying to heal themselves or others.
There is someone who judges.

It is that someone who has to go. 

And the name of that someone is I. It is I who does this.
I am trying to become self-realized.
But the I is already self-realized. 

For the I in reality, is Brahman. 

Pure awareness.
This is the true nature of the I. 

Therefore the I that you think is real doesn't even exist,
for there can only be one I and that I is I-am, all-pervading.
Do you see this?

It is the I, or the thinker, or the knower who has to be eliminated. 

For in reality there is absolutely nothing to know. 

If you are all-pervading, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent,
what else do you want? 

You've got everything. 

You are everything.
So when you try to know something, you're making a grave mistake. 

This is a very important point. Remember this.

In Advaita Vedanta, the knower is the last to go. 

What comes after the knower? Silence! 

There is nothing else.

Just think how much knowledge you've gathered all these years.
Reading so many books. Meditating for years. Seeing so many teachers. 

Having so many discussions, debates, arguments.
Can't you see now this is what's been holding you back? 

This is what has been holding you back.
For you have believed that you're the knower. 

For you have to become a knower to become free.
Yet no one has to know anything for there is absolutely nothing to know. 

Why is there nothing to know?

 Because there is only omnipresence, infinity, absolute reality and there is no name for this.

In other words, you cannot know absolute reality.
You cannot know pure awareness.

As long as there is someone who knows about it, it doesn't exist. 

It's only when you put an end to knowing that you become the Self. 

The Self has no shape, no form, no identity. It is no thing. Yet you are that. 

What are you going to do about it?

-Robert Adams - T118: The Knower Is The Last To Go! -
9th January, 1992

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