Sunday, April 23, 2017

You will begin to feel a peace and a joy

Think about that. 
Can you imagine brushing your teeth and flossing three times a day for a thousand years.
 Having to take a shower, eat.
 Always going along with what is happening in the world for a thousands of years.
 You will beg to die. 

This is why, kindly nature allows you to live so long in your body when you do not awaken as reality. 

You have so many years and then you're given another chance to have a new body. 

And again you have the opportunity to find your Self, to use discrimination, to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and again you don't make it and you take on another body and go through more experiences.

If you begin to let go of the world something will immediately start to happen to you.

 Immediately you will to grow spiritually.

 Something will take its place. 

To the extent that you let go of the world with all its problems, with all its beauty, with all its joys and sorrows, to the extent you can let go of that, to that extent will you be filled up with spirit. 

If you let go 20% you will be filled 20%, if you let go 40% you will be filled 40%. 

The void will always become filled. The space you leave when you let go will become filled with God, consciousness, nirvana, call it anything you like. 
You will begin to feel a peace and a joy that you've never felt before. 
To that extent that you can let go.

-- Robert Adams, T96: Self Inquiry Precursor: A Disgust For The World

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