Friday, November 09, 2007

Diwali Spiritual Mind Treatment


I live and breathe and have my being in the conscious awareness of the AM that I am. I know there is only the One – One Heart in which we all live – One Mind that we all use.

I celebrate the Inner Light of each person. I honour the courage to act for Peace. In this transformational Now, I speak my word that each person's life makes a difference in this world. I am grateful for each of them and know all of us are perfectly expressing our Divinity.

I quiet my mind, and allow myself to be the Peace I want to experience. I let go of all thoughts of hostility or resentment in my own life. I let the spaces left behind by the emptying of those emotions be filled with Love. There is only God, no matter what I think of the appearances before me. God is Love, and Love fills the universe. In this Love is Peace.

I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so … and So It is.

written by rev angelica