Sunday, August 27, 2017

You're boundless space.

Ponder these things.
There is no-one to do anything.
Yet you appear to be doing something. 

Do not be confused about this. 

Paradoxically you will always be doing something
yet in reality and in truth you will be doing nothing. 

There is really no-one who has to do anything.
You did not ask to be born. So what gave you birth?
It goes beyond your father and your mother. 

The truth is nothing gave you birth.
Really you were never born. 

See these things I'm sharing with you sound ludicrous to some of you. 

You were never born.
You're absolute reality.
You're effortless choice-less pure awareness.
You're boundless space. 

You have no body.
Nothing that you do matters at all.
I know to the average person this sounds ludicrous,
totally ridiculous but yet this is the truth.
This is the reason I take you down a couple of notches
to show you that as you progress on this path
as you're doing your humanhood,
will find yourself becoming happier and happier, more peaceful. 

Things do not bother you too much.
You take control of your life.
And then I say, "You have no life.
There is nothing to take control of.
There is nobody home."
 What a confusion this is.
Yet when your mind does get confused this way,
thinking about these things,
your mind becomes a little weaker.
This is an important step. I'll repeat it.
When your mind gets confused thinking,
"Am I not the body? Am I the body? Am I empty space?"
Just by pondering these questions within yourself
the mind begins to slow down
and this is exactly what you're trying to do.
To slow down the mind. 

So be confused it's good for you.
It's a tremendous help for your unfoldment.
When you're not confused you are simply attached
to your beliefs, your preconceived ideas, your concepts
and your linear thinking. 

When you are confused,
your linear thinking begins to break up,
your concepts begin to break up,
your values begin to break up,
everything that you believe and stood for begins to break up. 

Which means you're becoming free.
And that is the whole idea to become free.
So when I speak to you from both levels.
From the absolute level and from the relative point of view
you understand why I'm doing this. 

To confound you and confuse you
so the mind can be broken up to pieces, fragments, until they disappear. 

Only when you have your own experience
will you know that what I am saying is the truth.
This is why I tell you so often, "Do not believe a word I say."
Go out and have your own experience.
-Robert Adams -T.183 -Three Attributes To Spiritual Progress-
10th September, 1992

Saturday, August 26, 2017

You have been given an opportunity in this life by having a so-called body
with which to work in order to awaken from the mortal dream. 

Yet you use this opportunity for other purposes. 

You use it to attain name and fame
as if that is going to do anything for you in the long run. 

You use it to develop powers, you're wasting your effort. 

Karmically you have been given this body
to transcend,
to transmute.
To let go.
To surrender. 

Yet you spend all of your time doing the opposite.
You waste your time by reacting to everything that comes your way.
If you believe you're not awakened, you're not free,
you're not liberated when you react to person, place or thing,
you come under the law of karma which appears to exist.
~ Robert Adams

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

You can transcend all of karma.

This is why people like Ramana Maharshi always said that 
devotion, faith and self-inquiry are the same thing. 
You can't just have dry self-inquiry. 
You have to feel love.
You have to feel devotion. 
You have to put God first. 
Unless you put God first you're going to just have dry words, 
and the words will give you a sharp intellect. 
You will be able to recite all sorts of things, memorize books, hear lectures and remember them, 
yet you will never really awaken. 
This is why sometimes Advaita Vedanta 
can be dangerous to some people. 
Yet if they really read the books on Advaita Vedanta, 
they will understand that they have to develop a tremendous faith.
Think of some of the teachers that you know or heard about.
Nisargadatta, he always prayed.
He realized that he was consciousness.
He was self-realized, but at the same time he chanted,
he prayed, he had devotion.
It sounds like a contradiction.
For you may say, "If someone is self-realized and knows himself or herself
to be all there is, to whom do they pray?"
Try to remember that all spiritual life is a contradiction.
It's a contradiction because words cannot explain it.
Even when you are the Self, you can pray to the Self, which is you.
Ramana Maharshi always had chanting at the ashram,
prayers, devotional hymns.
These things are very important.
Many westerners, who profess to be atheists,
come to listen to lectures on Advaita Vedanta,
and yet nothing ever happens in their lives.
As long as you do not have devotion, faith, love, discrimination, dispassion,
it will be very difficult to awaken.
Therefore those of you who become bored with practicing self-inquiry
may become very devotional.
Surrender everything.
Give up your body, your thoughts, all the things that bind you,
whatever problems you may believe you have.
Surrender them to your favorite deity.
You are emptying yourself out as you do this.
Do a lot of it. 

Become humble. Have a tremendous humility.
If you can just do that you will become a favorite of God
and you'll not have to search any longer.
But of course the choice is always yours.
What are you chasing in life?
What are you going after?
What are the things that interest you? 

Whatever you put first in your life, that's where your heart is.
All of the things that have transpired in your life up to now, forget them.
Be aware all of the time that there are no mistakes.
There is nothing from the past that can interfere with your life
if you become devotional and have faith in God.
You'll be automatically protected from anything. 
And if you have enough faith,
you can totally remove all karmic aspects of your life.
You can transcend all of karma.
You can make life easier for yourself, if you have faith.
-Robert Adams -T.97 - Faith - 26th September, 1991

Sunday, August 20, 2017

"But things are right and wrong in this world. I have to take a stand.

Some people ask,
"But things are right and wrong in this world.
I have to take a stand." 

My question to those people are always the same.
"To whom is there right and wrong? 

Who feels right and who feels wrong?"

 Only the ego.
In reality there's no right and there's no wrong. 

There are just experiences of a dream unfolding.
Yet the dream doesn't exist. It never did. 

The world, as it appears right now, does not exist.

 It never did.
The way you believe you are, does not exist.

 It never did.
There is only one and you are that.
 There never were others.
There's only the one.

Yet most of you cannot feel this.
You're so identified with maya that the world of appearances
cause you to feel emotional. 

You therefore have to work on yourself.
You have to do something to yourself,
to help you become free. 

If you leave yourself alone, and you do nothing,
you'll go through life, after life, after life, on various planets.
You'll have various bodies, female, male, maybe other bodies.
It will never end for you.

Therefore you begin to question your existence.
That is the first step.
You question your existence.

You question your existence by in
quiring, "Who am I? 

Where did I come from?
What is my real nature?"

You start this early in the morning,
as soon as you open your eyes.
Instead of being cognizant of the world,
you leave the world alone for a few minutes. 

You question yourself, you ask yourself, "Who is awake?"
and the answer comes, "I am. I am awake."
Then you realize, "I also slept, I slept well, I had a good dream,"
and you start to wonder about this.
This same I that is now awake,
is the same I that had a good dream,
and the same I that slept well. 

"Who is this I?
What is it's source?"

There is a spiritual center on the right side of your chest.
You may call this the God center or consciousness.
It is on the right side of your chest. 

You begin to trace the I-thought back to that center
from whence it came. 

Once the I goes back into the center, you become liberated.

Therefore the whole idea of spiritual practice,
in Advaita Vedanta, is to follow the I-thought back
to the source and become free. 

When the I appears to leave the spiritual
center it goes into the brain,
and you become cognizant of I am, I am the body, I think.
Then you create a world and a universe out of your mind,
and the world appears to you as reality.
This all happens in a split second.
That's why you're not aware of it.

In other words, while you were sleeping
the I rested in the spiritual center. 

As soon as you awaken, in a split second,
the I goes into the brain, you become cognizant of a body,
and then a world, and then a universe,
and the mortal dream begins. 

So, you have to vehemently make up your mind that
you really want to awaken. 

That's the first prerequisite.

-Robert Adams - T.93 -Silence, the Spiritual Center -
12th September, 1991

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Every time you say to yourself: “Who am I?”

Every time you say to yourself: “Who am I?”
you are moving a step ahead on the spiritual path. 

That is all you have to do. 

“Who am I?” and you will soon discover that
the ‘I’ is not you. 

The ‘I’ that you are referring to is not you, it’s not anything. 

It is merely a thought. 

It has absolutely nothing to do with you. 

When you think to yourself: “Who am I?”
you keep saying I-I to yourself
and the ‘I’ begins to separate from your body. 

The ‘I’ begins to become a different type of entity whatsoever,
the ‘I’ begins to disappear. 

And you keep thinking about the ‘I’, following the ‘I’. 

You follow the ‘I’ to the heart. 

Once the ‘I’ disappears you are totally free and liberated. 

So it all begins with you. 

You are the one. 

You can either free yourself or put yourself in bondage
depending on what you’re doing with your life.

—Sri Robert Adams

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

You have always been bliss.

One of these days you will fall into the Self,
and you will disappear.
There will be no body, no image, no concept,
no I, no mind, no universe, no God,
yet you will appear to be all of those things. 

That's the paradox.

You will appear to people as an ordinary human being,
but you will know that you are the screen
upon which images are super-imposed.

You are not the images which keep changing.
You are forever, eternal, unborn.
You are the one.
You are total freedom.
Your real image will shine forth,
and the whole universe will emanate out of you. 

You will not have normal feelings,
but for want of a better word, you will become bliss. 

You have always been bliss.
You have simply awakened to reality.

~Robert Adams - T75 Everything Is What You Believe It Is!