Thursday, August 21, 2014

Positive Aspects of Solar Plexus Enhanced with remote Kundalini Reiki

Outcomes of a happy solar plexus

I am powerful
I am using my power wisely
I am deserving
I am high self-esteem
I deserve joy and happiness
I am creating my thoughts about myself and my life
I am lighthearted
I am the ability to take in the sweetness of life

I am moving forward with my life
I deserve to be
all that I can be  I am worthy of God's time and
I have value
I am fulfilled  I am myself in the present moment
My needs are as important
as others
I give myself permission to use my power

I am creating a satisfying life
I am one success after another success
I am healing
I am vibrant
I am experiencing others are interested in what I have to say
I am confident and secure
I give myself permission to be happy
all is well

I am faith
I deserve inner peace
loving others is easy when I love and accept myself
I love who I am and I assert my
power wisely
I get things done
I am relaxed
I get it done now
I am creating completion in perfect timing
I am attracting the help I need
I am love
I am positive I am open to new ways of doing things
  I am discernment
I am happiness
I am forgiving of myself and others
I am what I think I am

book your remote treatment here

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kundalini Reiki for a Happier Solar Plexus

A remote Kundalini reiki treatment for your solar plexus chakra will focus on Releasing.....

a feeling of lack of power
a lack of physical energy
the sense that the external world has power over you
all kinds of resentments
the inability to take in sweetness
a feeling of being lonely
patterns of being miserable
the sense of being unable to move forward......
release it from every cell...

A remote Kundalini Reiki treatment will also address
the lack of courage to a risk
the inability to honor yourself.

the lack of relationship with self 
feeling dependent
can't take care of yourself self
feeling cut off from your needs
self doubt

feeling undeserving
feeling guilty
belief that  you can't be loved for you .
a deep hole inside and  trying to fill it up from the outside
fear of others thoughts about you 
without drama you will die
book your treatment today

Monday, August 18, 2014

I welcome freedom in Spirit and go forth being the Divine Self only I can be

There is a Divine sequence running throughout the Universe. A self-existent principle of life from which all else has come
The Spirit of this Infinite Life and Power are then my life by nature of divine inflow.
 I am the illustration of God itself creating, working, and ruling through the agency of a human life.

From what has gone before I know that in just the degree that we come into a conscious realization of our oneness with the Infinite Life, and open ourselves to this divine inflow, do we actualize in ourselves its qualities, means, and powers.
 As I connect with this Source, I am nurtured and inspired, relaxed and happy.
 I revel in the demonstration that I possess the spiritual magnificence of the Great One in each and every moment.
 I affirm to my own inner illumination of this authority by claiming and using it as a guide in my personal life. 
I know that as I explore every one of its ideas greater abundance and enjoyment show up in my world.

I stand fully in awe of being God's idea in human form, containing everything I need to live life fulfilled. 
I welcome freedom in Spirit  and go forth being the Divine Self only I can be. And so it is.

Remote DNA 12 Strand Activation

There is magic in your DNA.

Are you ready to have the magic hidden in your dormant DNA activated and released?

This is now a possibility wherever you live as you can arrange for a Remote DNA Activation with specialist Zannie Rose.

After  DNA 12 Strand Activation, many people have told researchers they are experiencing some of the following effects.

Please remember this feedback is subjective and you may or may not have similar outcomes. 

*  higher energy & renewed youthfulness, which means they have more vitality to approach each day

* depression lifting as old patterns are released leading to increased sense of well-being and more zest for life

* feel like shedding a truck load of personal history that has been in the way

 * improved eyesight and inner vision

 * deeper meditations, heightened perception and intuition, which enables more openness to guidance by  Higher Self

 * being more effective in work and  improved health. 

 *immune system strengthened as body begin to detoxify

* ability to identify dysfunctional patterns and to strengthen productive ones

* cells  have the ability to heal quicker

*  intra cellular communication is strengthened

* intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience are heightened  which enhances soul contact

 * the process of moving outside of linear time is noticed more and more.

* memory  become sharper and communication becomes  more precise

 * you  stay focused and in the moment 

 *  a better understanding of  purpose in life

* healers notice their skills are improved,  clients told a massage practitioner that she has 'magic hands'..

 *people on their path of Ascension notice an acceleration

* balances both sides of the brain more easily

Book your Remote DNA Activation today

Friday, August 15, 2014

I can bring a unique unfoldment of Light to my personal world

The magnificence of a divine Presence is witnessed everywhere I rest my gaze.
Life is the sanctified image of an Infinite Oneness. Man/woman  is a vibratory structure
of unity consciousness in the organic world of Intelligence. My divine purpose
in this material kingdom is to actively embody this Oneness and live its
unfoldment "down here".

Today I become the host of this very Presence within the design God/goddess made. By
simply intending to be the transceiver space of pure unity built into the biological
system of humankind I can bring a unique unfoldment of Light to my personal world
and to the lives of all who come before me. I shall bring the function of love into
something that can make a difference as I live this day!
 Great and glorious experiences
take place through me as I allow myself to get out of the way of this Power. 
As the law of Mind operate through me I serve as the yearning of Spirit for greater and greater expression as the One true love.

I release this Truth and give deep thanks for the privilege of dwelling in the holy sanctuary of God's /goddesses Perfection. Aligned with a Source that radiates through and as me I confidently declare: I am love, I live from love, and I give love. And so it is forevermore. Amen

 We all have 12 essential programmes that are present at birth
 These programmes are part of the etheric soul matter that is anchored
in our central column
 These twelve essential programmes are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run
 the entire human body system with ease and grace,when they are fully functioning
 Often these programmes get corrupted or deleted due to life experiences and this 
inhibits our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self.

Intuition & Divine Guidance -Essential Programme Upgrade
Reconnects your access to your  intuition and re-aligns you to divine guidance.
This is a valuable asset when choosing your next step in life.

These upgrades are done remotely and you receive a confirmation email with notes