Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Power Of Staying Positive

Our thoughts are not simply ethereal pieces of information that enter our minds and then disappear forever.

The words and ideas that think can shape our lives and impel toward success and happiness or failure and upset.

How you think and feel can have a profound effect on your ability to recognize opportunity, how well you perform and the outcome of the goals that you've set .

When you uphold an optimistic outlook and make an effort to keep thinking only positive thoughts, you begin to create the circumstances conducive to you achieving what you desire.

You feel more and more like a co-creator and few of life's challenges seem truly overwhelming because it is in your nature to expect a positive outcome.

Staying positive does not mean that you ignore difficulties or disregard limitations. Instead, it means spending time focusing only on the thoughts that are conducive to your well-being and progress. Positive thinking increases your chances of success in any area. When you're sure that you are worthy and that achievement is within your grasp, you start to relax and look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

You are more likely to imagine positive situations or outcomes and disregard the thoughts related to giving up, failure or obstacles..

What the mind expects, it finds. If you anticipate joy, good health, happiness, and accomplishment, then you will experience more and more of that.

Thinking positively may sound like a simple shift in attention - and it is - but it is a mind-set is rewarding if developed.

Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, try immediately replacing it with a constructive or optimistic one. With persistence, you can condition your mind to judge fleeting, self-defeating thoughts as inconsequential and dismiss them. It is within your power to become as happy, content, or successful as you make up your mind to be.

Staying positive may not have an immediate effect on your situation, but it will likely have a profound and instantaneous effect on your mood and the quality of your experiences.

In order for positive thinking to change your life, it must become your predominant mind-set.
Once you are committed to embracing positive thinking, you'll start believing that everything that you want is within your grasp.

Here is a meditation/affirmation that reminds you that you are the co-creator of your life

"I am an irresistible magnet, with the power to attract unto myself everything that I divinely desire, according to the thoughts, feelings, and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate.

I am the center of my universe

I have the power to create whatever I wish.

I attract whatever I radiate.

I attract whatever I mentally choose and accept.

I begin choosing and mentally accepting the highest and best in life. I now choose and accept health, success, and happiness.

I now choose lavish abundance for myself and all mankind.

This is a rich, friendly universe and I dare to accept its riches, its hospitality, and to enjoy them now"-- Catherine Ponder,
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Ready to book a session to help you shift and release negative thinking?

contact Zannie today

I visited Zannie for a session on reprogramming of core beliefs: patterns of negative belief that were buried deep and affecting my personal progress and healing practice. Zannie is such a gifted and intuitive healer. She facilitated many shifts that day, in a totally safe and supported environment, and gave me very high level feedback. I treasure the session
Chris Guest
Reiki Practitioner and Holistic Massage Therapist

Whats on in the Rose Garden

DNA Activation Courses
May 20th & June 24th
Bayswater :London

Awakening the Light Body
Next cycle begins September 2006

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Taking Time Out


Modern life compels us to rush about quite a bit.

Because we often feel pressured to make the most of our time each day, the activities that sustain , rejuvenate and help us evolve are all too often the first to be sacrificed when we are in a hurry
or faced with a new obligation at work or in the family.

It is important we remember that there is more to life than achieving success, making money, and
even caring for others, especially at our own expense.

Your spiritual needs should occupy an important place on your list of priorities. Do they?

Each task you undertake and each relationship you nurture draws from the wellspring of your own spiritual vitality.

Taking the time to engage in spiritually fulfilling activities replenishes that well and prepares
you to face another day. Making time for the activities that contribute to your spiritual growth
is not being selfish and has everything to do with your well-being and ultimately with the well
being of your nearest and dearest

Regularly taking the time out to focus on your soul's needs ensures that you are able to nurture
yourself, spend time with your thoughts, experience tranquility, and exhance your spiritual
boundaries.It is easy to avoid using our free moments for spiritual enrichment. There is always something
seemingly more important that needs to be seen to.

Too many people feel guilty when they use their free time to engage in pursuits where they are
focusing on themselves because they feel as if they are neglecting their family or their work.

To make time for yourself, it may be necessary to say no to people's requests or refuse to take on
extra responsibilities. How easy is that for you?

Setting aside even fifteen minutes each day for your spiritual needs can make you feel tranquil,
give you more energy and allows you to feel more in touch with the universe.

Writing in a journal, meditating, studying the words of wise people, and engaging in other spiritual practices can help you make the most of this time.Making time to nurture your spirit may require that you sacrifice other, less vital activities.
The more time you commit to soul-nurturing activities, the happier and more relaxed you will become.
The time you devote to enriching your spirit will rejuvenate you and help you create a more restful life.

Do you have difficulty taking that time out?
Do have have a problem with boundaries ?

How about putting a time in your diary to have a one hour telephone session to clear all of the
ways you cannot create and keep to boundaries, and instal new ways of creating and sustaining boundaries for your highest good

email allowing_the_flow@yahoo.co.uk to make your appointment

Appointment times available for 9am-2pm ET
9am -7pm BST


Zannie Click to play sound: Laughing Child