Tuesday, December 05, 2017

The fastest and best way to awaken

The fastest and best way to awaken is not self-inquiry, not observation, or being the witness. Those things are for the disciples or for seekers but for the devotee the fastest and best way is the silence. Keeping the mind quiet, keeping the mind peaceful. Not fighting the mind. When you fight the mind it's like beating a cow with a stick to take the cow where you want him to go. 
Looking at the mind in quietness without troubling to change any thought is like coaxing the cow with some grass, so the cow will follow you wherever you want him to go. When you learn to sit in the silence, in the quietness, everything will happen by itself, everything will take care of itself, everything will happen by itself. 
There are those of you disciples or seekers who say, "Robert, I've tried this for years. I cannot sit in the silence. For as soon as I sit in the silence the thoughts come, feelings come, I've got to move, I got to get up, I've practiced self-inquiry — it doesn't work. I've tried being the witness and it doesn't work." 
The idea is not to care or be concerned about your thoughts whatsoever. It does not matter what type of thoughts come into your mind. It makes no difference what thoughts come into your mind.
 Do not try to observe them or be the witness to them or try to change them or even to ask, "To whom do they come?" 
Merely sit with a smile on your face and allow what to happen to happen.
 Allow what is going to happen to take place.
 Without your interference. 
Just to be still.
 So that is the fastest and best way to awaken in this lifetime. 
— Robert Adams, from Three Commonly Asked Questions , 23rd January, 1992 

Sunday, November 26, 2017


I participated in a Sound workshop with James'd'Angelo this weekend.
We did chants and exercises and at the end of each there was a pause..in the pause I noticed exquisite Silence.

Image may contain: ocean, outdoor, text, water and nature

Everything in the world is a result of something inside of you.

Most people in the west strive to be something outside of themselves.
The outside world affects them.
They believe what they see.
The outside world includes their body and their thoughts.
Naturally they believe that they are a body and a thought.
They also believe what the world shows them is correct.
This is not true. 

Everything in the world is a result of something inside of you.
The whole universe is a manifestation of your thoughts.

No thing exists without your permission. 

I know this sounds strange to some of you, but it's the truth.
The things that you hate and the things that you love in this world
are your own projections, your own Self. 

When a being begins to realize that they are the world,
they are the universe, they then become very careful
of what they think about, of how they perceive things.

~Robert Adams - Transcript 86 - On the Path
(Getting Rid Of Negative Habits) -11th August, 1991

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How Jnani help others

Once you are inwardly integrated, outer knowledge comes to you spontaneously. 
At every moment of your life you know what you need to know.
 In the ocean of the universal mind all knowledge is contained; it is yours on demand. 

Most of it you may never need to know -- but it is yours all the same.
As with knowledge, so it is with power.
Whatever you feel needs be done happens unfailingly. 

No doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe; but He is glad to have some help.
 When the helper is selfless and intelligent, all the powers of the universe are for him to command.

Q: Even the blind powers of nature?
M: There are no blind powers.
 Consciousness is power. 
Just be aware of what needs be done and it will be done. 
Only keep alert -- and quiet. 

Once you reach your destination and Know your real nature, your existence becomes a blessing to all. 
You may not know, nor will the world know, yet the help radiates. 

There are people in the world who do more good than all the statesmen and philanthropists put together.

 They radiate light and peace with no intention or knowledge. 
When others tell them about the miracles they worked, they also are wonder struck. 
Yet, taking nothing as their own, they are neither proud, nor do they crave for reputation.
They are just unable to desire anything for themselves, not even the joy of helping others knowing that God is good they are at peace.
Ch. 76, I Am That by Shree Nisargadatta Maharaj

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

That Divine Moment Is Now!

Some of you are still afraid that if you become liberated,
you will fall out of love with someone
or you will not care about your job
or you will believe that you don't care about anything,
you will become cynical, this is untrue. 

You become more of a loving person,
compassionate, filled with joy. 

You give your love to your mate in a free way.
Expecting nothing in return. 

Your love increases a thousand times.
Because you're free.
You can love someone without any need,
unconditioned and you don't have to think about it.
Therefore I concluded talking to this gentleman on the phone, turn within.
Your past is dead we both know this, you've become
a new person as you say but the I still lives in you. 

If the I is still alive in you your samskaras are still active.
You may be inclined to rob a bank again. 

You have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow
when you allow the personal I to exist. 

Therefore begin to understand that this I, this ego,
this mind is only a thought, an idea. It has no reality.
You must inquire within yourself,
"To whom does the mind come?
To whom does the I come?
To whom does the ego come?" 

When thoughts about your past come up.
When you think about your ten years in prison.
When you think about the evil acts you've committed.
Immediately do anything you can to halt those thoughts. 

You can ask, "To whom do these thoughts come?"
Or you can just remain perfectly silent and become
the witness to the thoughts, not reacting to them. 

Not trying to stop them at all.
If you do not react to your thoughts
they will burn themselves out.
They only become more powerful when you react to them.
As an example if you're trying to fight an illness,
if you react to your illness by imagining
and believing in your mind that it doesn't exist,
that you're having a terrible time.
Why did this happen to me?
I can't take it any longer. 

This is what's keeping you back not the illness.
But as your illness continues upon you,
if you would simply observe it without thinking,
become the witness to it without trying to do anything else,
or inquiring, "To whom does it come?" 

In other words do what you have to do to stop the thought process.
You use the same method with any other problem
or with any other goodness that comes to you.
Remember all the human goodness is also an illusion. 

So if you have a good life, it is only temporary. 

If you do not find yourself you will have to come back to this earth
again and again and again and have other experiences. 

You may come back again when the earth is in the dark ages once more
and they're having the Spanish inquisition
and you're hanging by your thumbs
while your eyes are being gorged out. 

And then you may come back in a different life
when you are a multimillionaire and you live in a castle
and you're in control of thousands of people.
They are two sides of the same coin. 

Therefore wake up.
Do not try to exchange bad for good. 

Do not believe that if I become a multimillionaire
I'll be happy or if I get rid of my disease I'll be happier
or if I live in a better home I'll be happier
or if I have a new mate I'll be happier
or if I have no mate I'll be happier,
or if I have this I'll be happier.
It's all illusion.
Happiness is your real nature.
Happiness is what you are. 

You are that now, if you live in the moment.
In that moment you are absolute reality. 

In that moment you are pure awareness.
You are Brahman in that moment. 

You are sat-chit-ananda, ultimate oneness, emptiness. 

That is your true nature. Identify with that.
Focus on that.
Become that and you will be ever free.
-Robert Adams - T.74 - That Divine Moment Is Now! - 30th June, 1991

Monday, November 06, 2017

Where do the thoughts come from? From nowhere.

Practice this right now.
Allow the thoughts to come, whatever they are.
Do absolutely nothing. 

It makes no difference what the thoughts are. 
Let them come, no matter how much they seem to frighten you,
no matter how powerful they appear to be, let them come.

Where do the thoughts come from to begin with?
They come from nowhere. 

They do not come from consciousness.
They do not come from pure awareness.
They do not come from the Self. 

Where do the thoughts come from? From nowhere. 

They're an optical illusion. They do not exist.
They're like the appearance of the sky on top of the mountain.
The sky appears to be resting on top of the mountain,
but it's an optical illusion. 

Thoughts do not exist, whatsoever.
Therefore you ask yourself: "Who's thinking?"
and you will find out, the ego is thinking. 

So here's another point.
When the thoughts slow down, so does the ego. 

The thoughts and the ego are synonymous.
As the thoughts slow down, the ego slows down,
and begins to also disappear with the thoughts.
When there are no thoughts, there's no ego.
When there's no ego, there's nobody left to think.
Then the question you will ask is:
"How do I function without thinking?" 

As I mentioned in the beginning,
the sage's thoughts are like a burnt rope. 

They appear to be real, but they're not.
In other words, your thoughts are not real. They are false. 

How do you function without thoughts? Very well, thank you. 

Many of you still believe you have to have thoughts to function.
You think you'll become a vegetable,
but you will be spontaneous without thoughts. 

You'll be motivated by the Self.
You will know what to do, where to go,
whom to speak to, whom not to speak to,
much better than you do now, much, much better.
Things will happen to you spontaneously.
~ Robert Adams

Monday, October 30, 2017

You are immortal, you are nirvana.

Nobody lives forever. No situation remains the same forever. 
Everything ends in this world so it appears. 
Everything has a beginning a middle and an end.
 But you are not that, you have nothing to do with that picture.
 You are immortal, you are nirvana. 

You must begin today to stop judging by appearances. 
The more you begin to feel this the less you talk. For what is talking all about. Except to talk about the world and people and things. 
Think how long you've been talking since you were born. 
You started with dada, mama and you expanded your vocabulary. 
You thought you were doing something great, you've wasted your time. 
The more words you know the larger the ego. 
The less words you know the closer you are to the Self. 

What has the Self to say, to whom shall it talk to, itself? 
The Self is self-contained consciousness. 
Aware of itself, itself is omnipresence. 
So to whom shall it talk to, itself? 
It is perfect bliss consciousness. 
There need be no words, just a look, a touch, a glance is all you have to do. 

Yet you say, "How can I do this? I work for a living, I have to eat, I have to earn my bread and butter, I have to talk." 
Don't worry about details. If you dive within yourself and you spend most of your time thinking about the I am, practicing self-inquiry, the details will work themselves out. 
You must not believe that it is up to you to work out all the details of life.

There is a higher power that knows where the appearance of your body is supposed to be and what work it's supposed to do. 
Trust that power. 
You will find out one day that the power is none other ... is you. 
That power is your Self. But until then trust the power.
 I like to call this power, "The current that knows the way." 
It's a beautiful power, it only knows love.
 It wants you to become a living embodiment of love. 
It wants you to merge with itself. 

Yet as long as you identify with the world you can never know reality. 
As long as you identify with your personal I, by always voicing what I feel, I feel hurt, I feel angry, I feel sick, I feel depressed, I feel happy because somebody gave me something, I feel good because I'm getting my own way.

That I has got to go. The whole world, the whole universe, people places and things are attached to the I. 
If you follow the I to the source the whole universe will disappear.

And the question arises, "Then what?
 If the universe disappears will I be in outer space? Will I be in a fog?" 

It's a paradox. The universe disappears, yet you exist in the universe.
 Your body will continue going about its business but you will not be identifying with your body any longer. 
You will not even feel that you are in the body.
 But you will feel the body is in you. You will feel like a gigantic screen. Where all the items of this earth, trees, plants, flowers, bugs, murderers, lovers are all superimposed on the screen. They are on the screen and you are the screen. The screen is not in them.
- Robert Adams

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Everything just is. Just the way it is. Just the way it is.

Everything just is. Just the way it is. Just the way it is.
You do not have to do anything about anything.
You do not have to change anything
or fix anything or improve anything.
Everything just is.

If you can only understand this great truth
you would become the happiest being on earth.
For when you realize that everything just is,
you are living spontaneously. 

There is no past, there is no future,
there is no birth, there is no death.
Everything thing just is the way it is.

Look at your life.

How many things you try to change or fix or remedy.
Things that you're looking for.
Trying to become something.
Trying to be somebody.
Trying to achieve a purpose.

When you do all these things then you're not living up
to the principle of everything just is.
If everything just is, what is there for you to do?
You didn't come to this earth to do anything.
You didn't even come to this earth.
But you appear as if you did.
You appear real.
You appear as if you're somebody.

And you've been trained to go after something in this world,
to become something great, to be somebody.
Yet this is what causes suffering.
The belief that you have to be somebody that you're not.
The belief that you have to have something that you don't have.
Look at your life.

The so-called problems you believe you have.
Something only becomes a problem
when you want to change something
or you want something to go your way.
Then it's a problem because
it isn't going the way you think it should go.
But in truth nothing has to go any way.
Everything is perfect just the way it is.
Everything is total perfection.

~Robert Adams

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Four Principles

How can we tell if we're on the path correctly? 
I gave four principles, which I really never do in the waking state. I never have a teaching. 
 But I was giving a teaching, so I'll share it with you. 
I explained four principles, where you know that you're close to self-realization.
 Of course, we're all self- realized already.

Principle number 1:
 You have a feeling, complete understanding that everything you see, everything in the universe, in the world, emanates from your mind. 
In other words, you feel this. You do not have to think about it, or try to bring it on. 
It comes by itself. It becomes a part of you. 
The realization that everything that you see, the universe, people, worms, insects, the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, your body, your mind, everything that appears, is a manifestation of your mind. 
You have to have that feeling, that deep understanding, without trying to.
So you ask yourself, "What do I think about all day long?" 
Of course, if you fear something, if you worry, if you believe something is wrong somewhere, if you think you're suffering from lack, or limitation, or sickness, anything, then you're out of it completely, because you're not understanding that all these things are simply a manifestation of your own mind. 
And if you worry about these things you become attached to false imagination. 
That's called false imagination. 
You've been attached to habit energy for many years, and all these attachments and beliefs come from habit energy.
It's like watching a TV show and becoming one of the characters, when you know that you're not even in the TV. 
But you believe you're one of the characters in the TV show. So it is with the world. Do not get involved. 
I don't mean you become passive.
 I mean your body does what it's supposed to do. Remember, your body came to this earth to do something. 
It will do something without your knowledge. It'll take care of itself. Don't worry. But do not identify your body with yourself. They're different. 
Your body is not yourself. And I'll prove this.

When you refer to your body what do you say? Don't you say "my body?" 
Who is this "my" you're referring to? You say "my finger,” "my eye.” 
Who are you referring to? You couldn't be talking about your body, because you’re saying it's my body, like you own it. 
 Who owns it? This proves to yourself that you're not your body. So do not identify yourself with the body and the world.

Therefore the first principle, to see how close you are to self-realization is: 
You are not feeling that you are identified with the world. 
You're separate. 
 And you're feeling happiness, because your natural state is pure happiness.
 Once you identify with worldly things, you spoil it. 
The happiness disappears, it dissipates. 
But when you're separate from worldly things happiness is automatic. 
Beautiful, pure happiness. It comes by itself. 
So that's the first principle.

Principle number 2 
 I explained to the bodhisattvas was this: You have to have a strong feeling, a deep realization, that you are unborn. 
You are not born, you do not experience a life, and you do not disappear, you do not die. 
You are not born, you have no life, and you do not die. You have to feel this, that you are of the unborn.
 Do you realize what this means? 
There is no cause for your existence. 
There is no cause for your suffering. 
 There is no cause for your problems.

Some of you still believe in cause and effect. 
This is true in the relative world, but in the world of reality there is no cause. 
Nothing has ever been made. 
Nothing has ever been created. 
There is no creation. I know it's hard to comprehend. How do I exist if I was not born, I have no life and I do not disappear in old age? 
You exist as I Am. 
You have always existed and you will always exist. 
You exist as pure intelligence, as absolute reality. 
That is your true nature. 
You exist as sat-chit-ananda.
 You exist as bliss consciousness, but you do exist. 
You exist as emptiness, as nirvana, but you do exist. 

So don't worry about being non-existent. 
But you do not exist as the body. 
You do not exist as person, place or thing.
 Do you feel that? 
If you have a strong feeling about that, then you're close to self- realization.

Principle number 3: 

You are aware and you have a deep understanding of the egolessness of all things; that everything has no ego. I'm not only speaking of sentient beings. 
I'm speaking of the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom. Nothing has an ego. 
There is no ego. 
And do you realize what this means?
 It means that everything is sacred. 
 Everything is God.
 Only when the ego comes, does God disappear, what we call "God.” 
Everything becomes God. 
You have reverence for everything.
 When there is no ego, you have reverence for everybody and everything.

So you have to be aware of the egolessness of all things. Animals have no ego, minerals have no ego, vegetables have no ego, and humans have no ego. 
There is no cause, so there cannot be an effect. 
There is only divine consciousness, and everything becomes divine consciousness. 
So if you look at your fellow man and animals and everything else as being egolessness, you will see them as yourself. Can't you see that?

It's the ego that causes separation. 
When I am full of ego, I become strong within myself.
 I become totally separate. 
So the more you like yourself as a person, the bigger your ego is. 
You say, "Well, I'm not supposed to like myself?” You're supposed to love yourself, but what self are we talking about? 
We're not talking about your body self, because that comes and goes. 
We're talking about your permanent self that has always been here. 
And your permanent self is me, is you, is the world, is the universe, is everything. 
That's your permanent self.
That's the only time that you can love your fellow human beings, when you have no ego. 
That's how you can tell where you're at, if you're close to self-realization. That's principle number three.

Principle number 4: 
You understand the Self Realization of Noble Wisdom. You have a deep conviction, a deep understanding, a deep feeling of what self-realization of noble wisdom really is. 

What is Self Realization of Noble Wisdom to you? 
You can never know by trying to find out what it is, because it's absolute reality. 
You can only know by finding out what it is not.

So you say, “It is not my body, it is not my mind, it is not my organs, it is not my thoughts, it is not my world, it is not my universe, it is not the animals, or the trees, or the moon, or the sun, or the stars, it is not any of those things.” 
When you've gone through everything and there's nothing left, that's what it is. Nothing. Emptiness. Nirvana. Ultimate oneness.
Robert Adams
Aug 19, 1990

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Cosmic Joke

Wake up! Give up all your foolish habits. There's absolutely nothing to fear and nothing to fight. There's absolutely nothing to overcome, nothing to rectify. There's absolutely nothing to achieve, nothing to want, to desire. How can you desire anything when you are the universe? What I appear to be sharing with you may sound like it is far away someplace, but it's not. You are that. You are that. You are that infinite consciousness which knows no other. You are free. Enjoy your freedom. You must think of yourself from now on as being unlimited beauty and joy, all-pervading, self-contained.
Nothing can ever harm you. The universe is not set up in it's illusory form to harm anyone or to bring dastardly conditions upon any situation. What you behold in this world is an appearance, an optical illusion, a dream. You can accept when you go to sleep, you dream. You can accept the fact that you may dream that you're going to a satsang like this, and you are sitting there listening, absorbing. Then you wake up and there's no one but you. In the same way, you awaken now to your total reality. This has been another dream. You have to question everything. 

 Do not accept anything without questioning it. Ask, "Who's feeling this? To whom does it come?"
Realize that you are not the I-thought. You are not the ego, nor the mind, nor are you the doer. Therefore, "Who am I?" and then whatever else comes to you, deny that also. If something tells you, "I-am consciousness," that has to be denied because I can never be consciousness. Negate everything that comes to you when you practice self-inquiry. Negate absolute reality, God, everything must be gotten rid of, all concepts. They're just words. When you awaken to your Self there will be no words that you speak. You will just become being, absolute being. Not being this or being that, just being, your true Self. Yet, in the meantime, as you are experiencing this mortal dream, deny all the experiences that come to you.

-- Robert Adams, T94: The Cosmic Joke

Monday, September 11, 2017

Isn't it wonderful when everything is quiet?

Isn't it wonderful when everything is quiet?
 Especially when I shut up and don't talk anymore. 
Things become much better. 
So let's really sit in the silence.
 When I say: "Sit in the silence", I'm not speaking of human quietness.
I mean the silence beyond human quietness, the silence beyond understanding.
 The silence which is God, Infinite intelligence. 
Let's just sit in that silence.
 Close our eyes, be still, put a smile on your face. 
I am not my affairs.
 I am not my experiences. 
I am not this life I appear to be going through.
 I have absolutely nothing to do with this world even though I may appear to others to be doing things in this world, working, whatever.
 I am free from fears. 
Free from past karma.
 Free from other peoples thoughts.
I go deep, deep, deep within the Self and then become the Self. 
Realizing that there is only one Self.
 I am touching that place where I've never been before.
 The ultimate reality. 
I am touching that place where there are no thoughts, no emotions, no feelings.
 I am touching that place where there is bliss, eternal love.
 I now go deeper beyond all that where even love, ultimate oneness, self-realization are mere words.
 I go beyond all words and thoughts to that place where there is absolutely nothing and yet I exist.
~ Robert Adams

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Your mind is a bunch of waves.

Robert Adams: The Collected Works
Transcript 1
You Must Have Your Own Experience
3rd August, 1990
Pages 26/27

R: What we use here sometimes which is a very good beginning is the I-am meditation. You relax your body and you inhale and you say, "I," and you exhale and you say, "am, I-am."
 You can do this while you're waking, while you're walking, while you're washing dishes, while you're resting.
 What it does is it makes your mind one pointed, so it'll stop thinking. 
In other words, you use whatever method you have to, to still your mind. 

The whole secret is to quiet your mind. To keep it from thinking. To keep it from being active. 
Your mind is a bunch of waves.
 You want to stop the waves and you want your mind to become still and the fastest way to do that is by self-inquiry or by observing your thoughts, watching your thoughts, becoming the witness to your thoughts.

SS: I was in a group for ages, are you familiar with Maurice Nicoll? (R: No.) He wrote, Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky. He talked about doing self-observation. I thought it was too intellectual, too much trying. 
They say, "What am I observ ing?" "I'm observing anger," and they would bring up, what is the opposite of anger, and then they would say what would be the feature of consciousness. But I felt that was a whole... (R: It's a whole procedure.) ...procedure just like any other school or clinic and I thought I couldn't do that any- more. (R: Whatever you think you need.) I have a question about illness. (R: Okay) Are personal questions appropriate?

 (R: Sure.) This one I call I, in November of ‘88 became ill, became very tired, went to the doctor, it was after some treatment. They can't do anything for me, he called it "chronic fatigue syndrome, S. T. 
R. I.” So somebody suggested to me to go to a naturopathic doctor. I feel that I felt myself trying to do those things and it came to me that as long as I am seek ing health, I will always have an illness. And when I no longer care that there is a state of health or there is a state of illness, that's the place where I want to be. (R: You're on the right track.) There is no teacher that earnest and you know what you're to do now and that's all there is.

R: Whatever your karma is, is going to happen, no matter what you do. So why concern yourself?

(SS: Yet do I ignore the body?)

 See whatever you're going to do, you will not be able to stop.

SS: I know, I find that. I write down, I say, "Why do I allow myself," I observe myself, look I went here, I went here, I went to this person, I asked this person, I see what I'm doing why do I allow it? When I can be here in this peaceful state sitting in my rocker looking out at the trees or whatever and yet I do that, but each time I do it, I feel like I'm learning a little bit.

R: The way to see it is like this. 
Let your body do whatever it has to do. 
Do not think about it too much.
 Do not identify with it.
 Do not attach yourself to it. 
Everything was preordained before you came into existence. 

(SA: But still there has to be a rational process?)

 It will take care of itself. The apples grow, the grass grows, the sun shines, there's warmth to make human life exist, there is a power that takes care of everything and it has nothing to do with our thoughts.

SA: Okay, now let me throw this back at you. I know you made a move recently, to move your apartment. You didn't tell me this I think it was Dana who told me this. As she was saying you moved into a better apartment and there were various advantages. Obviously some form of thinking went into this, you just didn't decide you were going to move into an apartment. So...

R: On the contrary, it just happened.
(SA: You didn't think about it?) 
No, it became available, I just did it.

SB: But wouldn't it be intelligent to find out the needs of the body and then supply those needs and then just forget it.

R: If that's your Karma, I'll give an example: At one of my experiences in India, I was with a yogi called Nimkarali Baba. And one day a bunch of us, and one of the people there was Ram Dass, you remember Ram Dass he was there too. We were sitting in front of him, when an old lady came up to him and spoke in Hindi, whatever language they were talking I forgot. 
And what she said was that her husband was dying, "Would you please come and save him, because only you can come and save him.” And Nimkarali Baba looked at me and said, "Should I go?" and I said, "yes go, let's all go." 
So we walked about two miles to a little shack and the husband was lying on the cot dying of some kind of disease. And he looked at him and all of a sudden the candles began to flicker. So he turned around and ran out the house (Robert laughs) and started to run back to the ashram and we all followed him. And we said when we finally stopped we said, "Baba what happened? Why did you leave?" and he said, "Ah, God wants him to die," and he died.

The point is this: your life, your health or your sickness, your riches or your poverty has all been preordained by the law of Karma.
 And whatever you're going to go through, you're going to go through. If you're supposed to become a health fanatic and watch your health and eat the right things all the time, you will do that and if you're not supposed to, you won't. 
If you're supposed to take the middle path you will do that.
 Everything is ordained, planned before time.

The only freedom we've got is to not identify with the process, even though your body's going through it.
 Do not attach yourself to what your body's going through.
 Keep your mind above it, keep your head in heaven and your feet on the ground. So we have no choice in the matter. 
Whatever is going to happen will happen. So if we have to do all kinds of things and we find ourselves running from one doctor to another doctor and so forth, do not attach yourself to that but do it anyway because you can't help it.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

You're boundless space.

Ponder these things.
There is no-one to do anything.
Yet you appear to be doing something. 

Do not be confused about this. 

Paradoxically you will always be doing something
yet in reality and in truth you will be doing nothing. 

There is really no-one who has to do anything.
You did not ask to be born. So what gave you birth?
It goes beyond your father and your mother. 

The truth is nothing gave you birth.
Really you were never born. 

See these things I'm sharing with you sound ludicrous to some of you. 

You were never born.
You're absolute reality.
You're effortless choice-less pure awareness.
You're boundless space. 

You have no body.
Nothing that you do matters at all.
I know to the average person this sounds ludicrous,
totally ridiculous but yet this is the truth.
This is the reason I take you down a couple of notches
to show you that as you progress on this path
as you're doing your humanhood,
will find yourself becoming happier and happier, more peaceful. 

Things do not bother you too much.
You take control of your life.
And then I say, "You have no life.
There is nothing to take control of.
There is nobody home."
 What a confusion this is.
Yet when your mind does get confused this way,
thinking about these things,
your mind becomes a little weaker.
This is an important step. I'll repeat it.
When your mind gets confused thinking,
"Am I not the body? Am I the body? Am I empty space?"
Just by pondering these questions within yourself
the mind begins to slow down
and this is exactly what you're trying to do.
To slow down the mind. 

So be confused it's good for you.
It's a tremendous help for your unfoldment.
When you're not confused you are simply attached
to your beliefs, your preconceived ideas, your concepts
and your linear thinking. 

When you are confused,
your linear thinking begins to break up,
your concepts begin to break up,
your values begin to break up,
everything that you believe and stood for begins to break up. 

Which means you're becoming free.
And that is the whole idea to become free.
So when I speak to you from both levels.
From the absolute level and from the relative point of view
you understand why I'm doing this. 

To confound you and confuse you
so the mind can be broken up to pieces, fragments, until they disappear. 

Only when you have your own experience
will you know that what I am saying is the truth.
This is why I tell you so often, "Do not believe a word I say."
Go out and have your own experience.
-Robert Adams -T.183 -Three Attributes To Spiritual Progress-
10th September, 1992