Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How Jnani help others

Once you are inwardly integrated, outer knowledge comes to you spontaneously. 
At every moment of your life you know what you need to know.
 In the ocean of the universal mind all knowledge is contained; it is yours on demand. 

Most of it you may never need to know -- but it is yours all the same.
As with knowledge, so it is with power.
Whatever you feel needs be done happens unfailingly. 

No doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe; but He is glad to have some help.
 When the helper is selfless and intelligent, all the powers of the universe are for him to command.

Q: Even the blind powers of nature?
M: There are no blind powers.
 Consciousness is power. 
Just be aware of what needs be done and it will be done. 
Only keep alert -- and quiet. 

Once you reach your destination and Know your real nature, your existence becomes a blessing to all. 
You may not know, nor will the world know, yet the help radiates. 

There are people in the world who do more good than all the statesmen and philanthropists put together.

 They radiate light and peace with no intention or knowledge. 
When others tell them about the miracles they worked, they also are wonder struck. 
Yet, taking nothing as their own, they are neither proud, nor do they crave for reputation.
They are just unable to desire anything for themselves, not even the joy of helping others knowing that God is good they are at peace.
Ch. 76, I Am That by Shree Nisargadatta Maharaj

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