Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Violet Flame and the Body

The Violet Flame can help you restore love for the body and realise the benefits of incarnation during these transformational times.
Surround your body with the Violet Flame on waking and just before sleep

The Violet Flame can help you awaken into greater love for yourself and all beings.
Visualise the Violet Flame around people who press your buttons.

The Violet Flame can help you in becoming a conduit for a greater love as you say YES to your Vibrational Upgrade in 2014-15

Imagine walking through your day in a river of Violet Fire.

violet_flame7@yahoo.co.uk to book a remote Violet Flame attunement or a 45 minute phone session or a remote treatment
International sessions at a time to suit you


Monday, April 27, 2015

Violet Flame +Trust

"Trust is all about fearing less and loving more." ~Unknown
Trust is the ultimate lubricant that makes everything in life easier. 
 It makes every relationship flow smoothly, it attracts more financial abundance, and allows for the feelings of real freedom, grace and gratitude in our lives.  

Trust is essential core foundation to manifesting that life we truly love.

  It is the most healing, expansive and relaxing energy which causes our hearts to open wide, so we are emotionally able to receive our dreams and desires. 
 When life is flowing fluidly and freely, it's because trust is there growing and expanding inside our heart

The Violet Flame dissolves blocks to TRUST

Book your remote session today


Violet Flame + Emotional Maturity

As we mature in life, we come to realize that we must continue growing deeper in trust if we are to survive.

 That's right, our physical survival is actually based on trust, because it's this heart opening soul welcoming energy which attracts the right people, situations and abundant income to enter our lives. 

Trust allows us to see the golden opportunities sitting right in front of our face, giving space for greater abundance to find it's way into our future. 

The more trust we can tap into, the more successful we are at naturally being a healthy radiant abundant loving attractive human being. 

The more often we can surrender to the feeling of trust, the more it heals our hearts, souls and lives.  

Simply feeling the feeling of trusting in life relaxes our entire body and this impacts the energy inside everyone around us.  Trust is so powerful! 

 It can transform the most impoverished, challenged life into the sweetest soul opening blossom.  When trust is given priority over fear, it can shine a light onto our entire life path ahead, even if the mind has blinders on and is lost in darkness. 

 Even when you think that no one can be trusted in life, that small candle light flame of trust never completely blows out. 

 It is always there, lit inside the core of our spiritual essence ready to burn brighter, even when we think there is no hope, possibility or life worth living for.

A remote session to be bathed in the Violet Flame daily for 7 days will dissolve blocks to trust


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Violet Flame and Trusting You

The reason why trust is the ultimate lubricant is because it allows those tight, fearful rusty memories in our past to loosen up, laugh and be free again! 

 When we stop and apply trust to an untrusting person or situation, we create the possibility for deep healing and transformation.

 It gives others permission to have faults, be human, and not be so stuck in this 3D reality. 

Perhaps the best thing  about trust is that it is naturally reciprocal, highly addictive, and very contagious. 

 The more we use it, the more we become used by it and the more fluid our lives become

Violet Flame remote sessions remove the blocks to trusting you


Violet Flame in a Crazy World

In this wildly crazy and unpredictable world, we've created a deep emotional need for trust. 

 We need and require trust to be part of our lives, trusting in ourselves and in our future.

  With so many life challenges, distractions, and daily difficulties to deal with, the tendency to entertain doubt, fear and skepticism can become the rusty norm.

  Yet, it is the challenge from this pushing and pulling within ourselves that invites us to dive deeper inside, so that eventually we explore what it's like to trust 100% in ourselves..
 The Violet Flame can help you here

Within this level of complete trust, we discover the doorway to the divine.

  We release our grip on our ego and reveal the divine permanent essence that is hidden deep within our being.  

Without the rocking push and pull of life we wouldn't be driven to move beyond the mind, and fall deeply into our spiritual essence. 

 It is from the complete letting go of the outer that we can surrender and relax into the inner.  This relaxation into our core essence is the moment when true inner peace and radical deep inner healing occurs.
"When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful." ~ Yogi Bhajan


Friday, April 24, 2015

Violet Flame Blessings

The Violet Flame can bring you a deeper inner knowing as you take the opportunities to make a higher choice each moment

The Violet Flame can help you dissolve victim consciousness and reclaim your personal power

The Violet Flame can help you restore love for the body and realise the benefits of incarnation during these transformational times

The Violet Flame can help you awaken into greater love for yourself and all beings

Would you like to be bathed in Violet Flame daily for 7 days?

Remote Treatments available

More info from  violet_flame7@yahoo.co.uk

Monday, April 20, 2015

Deepening your Experience of Source

Deepening your Experience of Source

 1:1  telephone treatment with Zannie Rose

Healing separation from Source issues
In this one hour session you will

1) Balance and clear your chakras
2) Clear blocks in your energy grid and enhance the flow of energy between each chakra
3) Enhance the relation to any spiritual being that most strongly resonates with you

4) Feel re-connected to Source at a deeper and more meaningful level.

Do email
allowing_the_flow@yahoo.co.uk to book your appointment 

Zannie Rose
Catalyst for your personal growth & spiritual evolution

The winds of grace are always blowing but we must raise the sail

Infinite power

Infinite power is always where I am, ready to support my every idea.
Unending possibilities come with that power, for it supports my
ideas by taking their form in the world.

To change any form, all I need is a new idea.
As this infinite power Source is also the source of all creativity
and inspiration, new ideas are easy for me to embrace.

Anything that’s not working in my life, I offer up to the intelligence
and ingenuity of the One.

Amazing ideas flow through my mind, and I select the
best of them to entertain, embrace, and believe.

This power does the rest – automatically, impersonally, and perfectly. Spirit has given me the ultimate gift – the ability to choose
whatever I can imagine.

I imagine wonderful things, and live a wonderful life.
 And so it is

Personal Power

Many of us have are unclear what personal power means. We have been given the unhelpful idea that power is not good and that it is something we use to exert our will over others.
However, when our personal power is intact, we are neither overbearing nor wimpish.
We do have a clearer sense of our strength and the impact we can have on others.
This actually enhances our ability to be more sensitive. Personal
power is what allows us to work on our dreams and desires. It allows
us to realise that we are worthy and deserve to be heard and seen .

Also our personal power lets us extend the respect we know we deserve to other people .
There is no reason to be afraid or ashamed of fully owning your power.In the chakra system, the solar plexus is the centre of personal power.

One way to evaluate your sense of power is to breathe into this part of the body.
If it feels tight or nervous, it is an indication that you may not be fully in touch with and expressing your power.

You can heal this imbalance by expanding the area of the solar plexus with your breath.
You can also visualise a sun. Allow its warmth to dissolve any tension, and let its light dissolve
any darkness or heaviness. Repeating this exercise daily can restore and rejuvenate your sense of power. Another way to nurture your personal power is to honour your dreams and desires by making concrete plans to manifest them in the world.

Start by listing things you want, and let yourself think bigger and bigger

 Choose one goal from the list and commit to bringing it into manifestation.
In addition, break the goal into smaller parts that you can work on
each day. Know that you deserve to have your dreams come true
and that you have the power to bring them into being
Ready to get more in touch with your personal power?

Email allowing_the_flow@yahoo.co.uk to book an appointment by phone or 1:1

I visited Zannie for a session on reprogramming of core beliefs: patterns of negative belief that were buried deep and affecting my personal progress and healing practice. Zannie is such a gifted and intuitive healer. She facilitated many shifts that day, in a totally safe and supported environment, and gave me very high level feedback. I treasure the session
Chris Guest
Reiki Practitioner and Holistic Massage Therapist

Putting on a Happy Face?

How often do you put on a happy face, when deep inside you really feel angry, hurt, upset, fearful, or shy.
Would you like to meet that part of you and find out how it is trying to protect and help you?

Begin by speaking the Soul Mantra if you use it
Use your breath to bring yourself to a sense of centre
Imagine yourself in a lovely meadow on a spring day

Just ahead of you is a cottage and you are aware that there are people inside
Invite the part of you that puts on a happy face while hurting inside, to come and join you
Notice who/what comes out to join you
Welcome it and ask it how it is trying to help you.
Imagine it blending with you
Spend a moment imagining what life would be like if that was all that you were
Then take a little time imagining what life would be like if it wasn't there at all
Then disidentify from it so you are separate again.

You see a mountain on the other side of the meadow
Invite this part to accompany you up the mountain
At the top a being of light a Master or an angel calls the part over and surrounds it in transformatioanl light
Observe what is happening
Notice how this part of yourself is changing
After a while ask for this part to turn into a symbol
Take this symbol into your heart

Be silent for a moment, then return back down the mountain to the meadow
How do you feel?
Make some notes


Violet Flame Benefits

The Violet Flame can help you rediscover, align with and realise your Divine Self .
The Violet Flame can help you cleanse, balance and align your energy centres
The Violet Flame can support and encourage you as you step on to your new path of Transformation
The Violet Flame can help you raise and maintain your vibration in daily life.
Book your remote Violet Flame session today



Saturday, April 18, 2015

Violet Flame 3

The Violet Flame can help you purify the physical body
The Violet Flame can help you as you reclaim your Mastery

Would you like your whole system to be bathed in Violet Flame every day for a week or a month?

book today


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Violet Flame( uses of)

he Violet Flame can help you purify the physical body
The Violet Flame can help you as you reclaim your Mastery
The Violet Flame can help you in a transformation of Self
The Violet Flame can help you with your intention of increasing consciousness in the moment


Violet Flame 2

The Violet Flame can help you synchronise your heart and mind, to blend left and right brain awareness
The Violet Flame can help you anchor into Divinity
The Violet Flame ensures your deep cellular clearing
The Violet Flame can supports your physical body in its transformation

book remote sessions today


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Surrender and Sacrifice.

Surrender and Sacrifice.
These are arbitrary terms that presume that one is looking at spiritual principles from the viewpoint of the ego’s vested interests and justifications for negativity. To the ego, spiritual principles represent a possible loss of positionality, but from the viewpoint of spirit, they are gains.
The primary surrenders and sacrifices have to do with the substitution of humility for vanity. In actual practice, one merely relinquishes the vanities of opinionating and judgmentalism. The letting go of positionalities undoes the limitation of the ‘error of the polarity of the opposites’, which is the dualistic consequence of perception.
The Eye of the I from Which Nothing is Hidden .P~102

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Becoming a Source of Light Meditation by Orin and DaBen I take a few deep breaths in
. As I breathe in I imagine I am breathing in light I feel the gentle touch of light moving through me riding on my breath.
 Light flows into every part of my body.
 There is a perfect circulation of light within and through me. As I breathe out I send light out to the world. The light around me is growing. I call my soul to me simply by having the intention to do so. I imagine its magnificent presence surrounding me with its beautiful light. I feel my soul's power and love. I draw in my soul's light. It comes into every part of my being.
 I am becoming radiant with my soul's light. I transmit my soul's light to the world as it pours through me. I call light to myself from the higher dimensions. I think of all the high beings of light who are broadcasting light to humanity. I open to receive all the light the Enlightened Ones are sending. As I receive their light I affirm that I will use it for my spiritual growth and as a contribution for all humanity. I draw in Solar Light the soul of the sun-- the light of beauty and oneness.
 I fill myself with Solar Light. With each breath in I draw in Solar Light and circulate it throughout my aura, my cells, and my body. With each breath out I send Solar Light out to the world. I am becoming a radiant source of light. I think of the light of the stars, I imagine the light of the Pole Star, the star of direction and purpose, flowing into me. As I fill up with this light, I now radiate this light of direction and purpose to others.I sense more and more light radiating from me. As I draw in light, I become a radiating source of light. I now stay connected to the light. I automatically draw in light with every breath in.I think of the souls of all those who are one step behind me. I radiate light to them.I think of my loved ones. As I think of them I fill myself with light. I transmit the light of my soul, the light of the Enlightened Ones, the Solar Light, and the light of the Pole Star to them simply by thinking of them as I call light to myself.I am radiant. I am a source of light. I am becoming a light that lights the way for others do this meditation often contact Zannie Rose to learn more ways of playing with light http://www.dna12.webs.com

Monday, April 13, 2015

Violet Flame

The Violet Flame ensures your deep cellular clearing
The Violet Flame can supports your physical body in its transformation


Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Love is all You Need

The Sacred Secret of Love
Your true nature is love itself.
This is the only kind of love that is real and everlasting.
This love cannot be damaged, altered, threatened or changed in any way. It pours out of you naturally when your mind is calm and at ease, and it opens your heart to the God Source, flooding your body with absolute elation.
Every day that you choose to do those gentle and kind things to yourself, those things that bring deep peace into your heart (such as watching a beautiful sunset, walking slowly in nature, or holding a sleeping baby) you can feel this sweet divine love so easily.
This love wants to move through you.
It yearns to course through your veins like an eternal fountain of life. Rejuvenating every cell and molecule throughout your system, this love brings pure healing into you on the deepest levels.
You can invoke this love right now by turning inside and asking yourself, "where is the source of love"?
Look with gentle eyes, a childlike innocence and a permeating curiosity.
Very soon you will experience a warm feeling opening from inside.
It amazing how this secret love is always permanently inside us, yet is often hidden behind the ego walls and the busy ambitious mind.
To break down these walls and reveal the true source of love you must engage in a process of peeling back the layers of limiting beliefs within you.

Its those beliefs that say this type of crazy wild ecstatic love is impossible to have and is something you have to do something to experience right now.
The truth is you need to do nothing but relax deeply inside and it will spring forth
. This love is always here now, forever inside you, and no matter what inhibitions and insecurities pass through your mind.
No matter how depressed, suicidal or down in the dumpsters you feel, this sacred feeling is available and will bless you by instantly wiping all your worried problems away.
Here's a simple exercise that will invoke this divine love to come forth.
Gently bring your attention to the area of your heart and imagine the most beautiful flower is there, and its opening its petals to the warm sunshine above.
The feeling you receive is what opens the door to accessing the infinite source of love.
Just how it sounds, this eternal source of love is no small matter, it is the most amazing thing in this Universe so what if you respect it as that.

It is what brings purpose to your life and healing to all those wounds you carry inside. Its like a constantly pulsing Sun inside you, radiating warmth and gratitude in every direction.
It shines upon everything you see, touch and sense, and does not discriminate at all what it shines upon.
It radiates unconditional acceptance, giving compassion and understanding to the darkest most demonic energies you know of, which are in the deepest need of finding this infinite source of light inside.
One of the most sacred secrets I've found to remaining in the source of love is learning how to consistently reside in the soul of your heart.
What this means in living from a heart centered life that is timeless, formless, always expansive, positive, and spacious.
To find it takes something very real and radical. 

You must continuously abandon all concepts, judgments and ideas of yourself.
You must drop who you are and who you are not, and give all these ideas back to God. In the absence of these ideas you are left with an emptiness, that is so pure and fertile that only the most sacred experience in the Universe can be born.
Letting go of your identity seems like a huge scary sacrifice at first, yet the reward you receive is so enormous that it will take your life far beyond anything you once believed was possible.
For it is at the very core of this empty vacuum of identity that you will find the purest source of love, the eternal being who you truly are. 

No matter what is happening in your life you can detach, retreat and discover this divine home inside you.
This sacred spiritual nest is more easily found when you commit yourself to places and people that make you feel quiet, calm and peaceful inside.
The people who hold this vibration will take you there naturally, just by hanging out with them.
Their commitment to abiding in this healing vibration is contagious. As they talk, walk and breathe in this healing source themselves, you can feel their connection and naturally mimic this love alignment within yourself. 

The more surrendered, peaceful and still a person is, the more love they will be naturally radiating.
We are all here to help each other ascend to higher levels of consciousness through love. In this process you'll find the depth of your trust and surrender is equal to your level of devotion to yourself.
In practical terms looking at your own life, how willing are you to let go of your old patterns and excuses and give these up to experience real love?

How are you hiding your bright light from the world?
What excuses do you have for not fully living your life purpose and doing what you really want to be doing with your time here?
All this hiding is a form of lying and is completely disempowering. Even the little white lies that you may tell others and yourself, these keep you small, stuck and feeling stale.
You have to acknowledge what lies you are telling  and then summon the courage to let them go.
Replace any lie you find with the truth, the real and most radical truth you can find. From this place you become free and can truly ride with reckless abandon on this wild eternal journey into the heart of love.
No matter what happens in your life, remember this one thing.
This sacred source of love is always here, inside you right now and this will never ever change.
This love inside you can never die, and it won't even change with the different situations, careers, or relationships that come and go through your life.

If your heart still hurts from losses in your past, bring these feelings and memories of loss into the heart of love.
This infinite source of love will readily accept them and transform them with its bright unconditional light.
Yes, the Sun is always there shining its love on us even when its a dark cloudy day. Remember this, and look inside your very heart for the source of love. It is always here now, ready for you to experience it all the time

Tuesday, April 07, 2015


Realization is of the fact that you are not a person. 
Therefore, it cannot be the duty of the person whose destiny is to disappear. 
Its destiny is the duty of the one who imagines himself to be the person. 
Find out who he is and the imagined person will dissolve.
 Freedom is from something. 
What are you to be free from? 
 Obviously, you must be free from the person you take yourself to be, for it is the idea you have of yourself that keeps you in bondage.


Sunday, April 05, 2015

E -Entering into the stillness

Entering into the stillness, I become quiet and listen to the inner voice.
 I am willing to be spacious Presence both for myself and for all those who ask to be heard by me. 
I listen.
