Saturday, December 28, 2013


IKE: The world is what you think it is. -what are you thinking?
KALA: There are no limits. -what does unlimited feel like to you today?
MAKIA: Energy flows where attention goes. - where is your energy flowing
MANAWA: Now is the moment of power. - are you here, now?
ALOHA: To love is to be happy with. Could you ask 'whats right about this that I'm not getting ?' if unhappiness seems to be present?
MANA: All power comes from within. -Do you perceive that today?

PONO: Effectiveness is the measure of truth. ..what's your pudding like today? What if DNA Activation led to sweeter more nutritious puddings?

The Enlightened Path Home to Your Self

The Enlightened Path Home to Your Self 
By J Ozwald 

"Drop the idea of becoming someone.  You are already a masterpiece.
You cannot be improved. You have only to come to know it and realize it.
God has created you.  You cannot be improved."  ~Osho

There is a Divine Intelligence behind everything and inside everyone.  This energy is constantly around us, abiding within every plant, tree, building and the atoms in the air that we breathe. It is the sacred substance in which all things of this world come from to be created and destroyed.  When we take the time to relax and let go of everything our mind is gnawing on, this sacred Intelligence fills us up with it's energy.  We discover that there is more to life than running after our every desire, and we find out that the cessation of thinking leads to real inner peace where we can come home to our true self. 

The Divine Intelligence lives within us, yet the reason we don't always feel this sacred energy and are completely relaxed in our lives, is that we are listening to the demands of our perpetually unsatisfied ego.  The demanding ego is always wanting something, and is never ever truly satisfied with what it has.  It is our false self that is into strategizing and manipulating to get what it wants, and yet is perpetually caught in the habit of seeking, searching and desiring for more. It doesn't know how to relax and feel at home in our body.  It has forgotten how to trust this Divine Intelligence that is truly running the show.   

 The Divine Intelligence is always in charge of everything that manifests.  It is doing everything to push you inside yourself, so that you dive deeper behind the thinking mechanism and discover that eternal soul that is vibrantly alive within your being.  Life is doing everything that it can so that you transcend this ego and discover the infinite aspect of your being. Whatever physical, emotional, or mental problems that you're facing, they are all springboards into your enlightenment. Each challenge you're facing contains the right amount of fuel to propel you into the core of your being, where you discover the most sacred source of existence.

Our most empowered state of being is the one that is centered, at rest and completely content with life as it is.  This brings about a natural state of perpetual joy and appreciation for life.  Deep inside each of us is this spacious place where we can feel that time does not exist anymore, and there is nothing we need to do to make our lives better than they already are.  This state is simply a feeling of deep conscious relaxation into the heart and allowing it to be our home throughout the day.
The heart is our resting ground.  It is the only place where the world has no power to sway us in any direction. We are truly protected there, deeply rooted in a sweet sacred connection with the Divine. When we deeply relax into our heart center, we are letting go of all the cares, attachments and worries of this world.  We realize that the most important relationship is with ourselves, and we choose to use our time here on Earth to discover this awesome experience of coming home to the divine being we truly are.
Inside the heart, we are no longer split.  We are able to easily make decisions and know our life's highest direction.  It is only living from the head that we live in fear, are worried about everything and cannot find our way through the darkness. It is only from abiding in our heart space can we revel in the greatest spiritual exploration we are here to do.  This is playing in the feeling and understanding that we are connecting with the God Source each and every moment of our lives.

"The mind is a beggar because the concept of want makes you a beggar! Be only "I AM" and try to lift the begging bowl. Throw away the begging bowl of ego for the throne." - Papaji

When we let go of all our efforting to change ourselves, to try and improve ourselves so we achieve a better experience of life, we discover this sweet space of surrender to the Divine.  In this surrender we find each moment feels like an eternal river of lightness in the heart.  We stop battling life, swimming upstream and discover a sense of Oneness with everyone and everything. We let go of our fight with reality and begin merging with it. It is through this surrender that all our inner conflicts become instantly resolved, which in turn manifests as having no more outer conflicts.

It's good to know that the inner turmoil inside of us is just the ego believing we are not 100% perfect just the way we are. The ego cannot see our perfection.  It only sees what needs to be fixed and what is wrong, can could be improved.  The ego is relentless about it's path of being right about being right. It thinks that everyone else needs to change in order so that it can be happy.
The greatest truth is the one that liberates your heart the most.  This means that happiness is always available no matter what is occurring in our outer world. We always have the choice to stop, rest and come home to our true Self. The warm cozy nest found inside our heart. This sacred place is found through total surrender to existence. When we are finished with our tendency to control everything and micromanage our lives, we stop suffering and the divine is instantly experienced.

As long as we are following your thoughts, believing that they are real, we cannot discover the most expansive state of being.  When we are lost in the thinking machine of the mind, the ego is running the show, and the door to the divine remains closed. There is always a crack open, and we can find it when we put 100% of our energy into trusting it is there. When we know the Universe never makes mistakes, and that everything is exactly as it should be, we relax and discover that, "home is where the heart is".  Perhaps we should rephrase it to bring out more truth by saying, "the heart is where the home is".
For the next week of your life, I invite you to do a little experiment with yourself. Whenever you're not busy, whether you're waiting in line at the store, or perhaps in stuck in traffic, let your attention rest on your heart center. Say to yourself, "This heart is my home" and relax into it. Don't try to relax, just let go of everything in your head and let yourself be taken in by the heart. Feel as if it is welcoming you with open arms, fully ready to receive all of you. Even those parts you don't approve of about yourself, these are also welcome.

Spend as much time as you can each day this week relaxing deeper and deeper into your heart. Don't make it into a big project or anything stressful.  Just set the intention to explore it on the deepest levels.  Relax into it whenever your mind is busy, or anytime you can remember to. The secret here is being open to explore a completely new experience of your Self.  One that is gentle, loving and filled with profound peace in the most intimate ways.

After a week of relaxing into your heart you will discover the most amazing thing. The light is already always turned on within the core of your being. There is no place to hide from it, nor any greater refuge to be found. You'll truly discover that Heaven is on Earth, and is quite effortless to experience. Living for 7 days from this heart space, you'll understand that there is nothing you cannot accomplish or manifest in your life. There is no task too big for you to handle, and you're unstoppable, successful and happy in everything that you do.  You discover a source of unfathomable bliss within you that cannot be taken away by any situation or circumstances. You end up falling in love with your Self, this world and everybody in it. This is what it's like to come home to yourself, and the best news is that you can do this whenever and wherever you are.

"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels." ~Albert Einstein

Get ready to shift your life and start manifesting everything your heart desires! J.O created an online manifesting program which is a compilation of 15 years of research on the essential manifesting habits, techniques and life's most secret sacred technology!  He guarantee in 90 days or less it will turn you into a powerful manifesting magnet! By simply following and experiencing these fun, easy and enjoyable manifesting exercises you'll naturally start attracting more successful abundant situations and positive circumstances into your life!
You'll receive an entire toolbox of manifesting meditations, enlightening techniques and heart opening exercises that will give you the exact directions how to create the life of your dreams. Simply by following the Super Manifesting Program  for the next 3 months

, he can guarantee that you will discover how blissful your life truly is! Everything you desire in love, relationships, money, career, sex, health and energy will effortlessly unfold for you...yes guaranteed! I know it sounds too good to be true yet check out ALL  testimonials on the site.  This powerful manifesting science works for EVERYONE, so the results are guaranteed to happen to you in 90 days or less.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Abundance Visualisation

You can help humanity by examining your own

beliefs about scarcity and by changing them into beliefs of abundance.

The  meditation that follows can  assist you

in letting go of beliefs of scarcity, and changing them into beliefs of abundance.

To begin, relax your body and take a few breaths in.

Imagine that you are connecting with your Higher Self.

This is the self that is the highest expression of your

personality. It is the self that knows you can create anything you want.

With each breath in imagine and sense  you are growing wiser,

clearer, and more able to see a larger vision of your life.

Get a sense of this wise, more all-knowing part of yourself.

You are becoming your Higher Self.

Feel the confidence and power of your Higher Self

flow through you.

Say to yourself, "I am the source of my abundance."

You and your Higher Self are the source of your

abundance; not other people, your job, or your investments.

You have the ability to transform scarcity into abundance.

You can create abundance in any area of your life.

When you learn the principles of creating abundance, consciously work to create it,

change your beliefs, and open to receive, you will create abundance in

any area of your life you are working with.

Affirm your trust in the universe, in yourself, and

in your Higher Self and soul to bring you whatever you need when you need it.

Say to yourself, "I trust my Higher Self and my

soul to bring me everything I need. I now live an abundant life."

Examine your beliefs about abundance.

Ask your Higher Self to show you an important

area of your life to create abundance in.

Explore such areas as having more abundance of free time

or time for yourself; friends, clients, or business;

material things; love, joy, serenity; health and vitality; creative ideas, or abundance in other areas as well.

You can create abundance in any area of your life by

imagining having the feelings you think you would have if you had abundance.

In what ways would you live, think or feel differently?

If you want more money, ask yourself what higher qualities having this money would create for you.

Having money or specific things is not the goal;

the goal is to have the feelings and qualities that having these things can create for you.

Pick one quality that you would like more of from creating abundance in this area such as peace, joy, aliveness,

love, self-esteem, well-being, clearer vision, courage,

trust in your inner guidance, and so on.

Finding the essence of what you want to create by having abundance in an area of your life is the key to creating it.

Think of ways you can have more of these feelings and qualities right now in your life.

For instance, if you want an abundance of money because

it will bring you feelings of well-being, think of all the ways

you can create feelings of well-being now without needing to create money first.

Starting to create these feelings and qualities in your life

makes you magnetic to having ALL the forms that will bring

you these feelings and qualities.

Opening to all the ways that these qualities can come to

you is how you create abundance.

After you have identified the qualities and feelings that abundance in some area of your life could bring you,

you will need to change your beliefs and thoughts to

support abundance coming to you.

Energy follows thought.

You get what you think about.

Focus on all the ways you already have created abundance

in that area of your life.

For instance, if you want an abundance of physical

vitality and energy, acknowledge every time you feel

energetic and alive.

Do not focus on how often you feel tired, for that brings more of it to you.

Energy follows thought; you get what you think about.

When you focus on what is working in your life, you draw

more of the same to yourself.

Learn to think in positive ways.

Positive emotions and thoughts draw to you what you want. Spend quiet, reflective time thinking positively about what you want.

Acknowledge and appreciate the abundance you have

already created in your life.

It is important to examine your beliefs about scarcity and change them into beliefs of abundance.

One way to change your beliefs and have new thoughts

is to listen to guided meditations, where your mind is in a relaxed, open state.

Because this is such a powerful way to create changes we have devoted much of our time to creating meditations for you.

Identify an area you want changed, and listen to one of our audio journeys, or make guided meditations for yourself that will put new, positive thoughts into your subconscious and conscious mind.

Once you change your thoughts and beliefs you change the reality you create.

The universe is absolutely abundant and always working for you.

Affirm that you and your Higher Self have the power to change anything in your life and that no one can stop you.

The universe is absolutely abundant & always working for you

Affirmations are a way to focus on what you want, to change your beliefs and thoughts, and to let go of negative thinking. They are powerful ways to change your reality.

As you affirm your abundance, you may realize that you need to open to receive it and believe you deserve to have it.

Work with your Higher Self right now to increase your ability to receive.

Put your hand on your heart, let your Higher Self join you, and affirm,

"I now open to receive all the riches of the universe

and all the good my Higher Self is sending me."

Feel your heart opening and your ability to receive growing.

If you notice any negative thoughts that come up as you say this, identify them.

Change them into positive affirmations.

For instance, if the thought comes up that you will never be

able to create abundance in some area, or that someone will stop you, change these into positive statements.

Examine how deserving you feel about having abundance

in the area of your life you are working on.

Notice when you cut off the flow, when you decide that you have had enough of something good

 Most people are used to living with scarcity, and become nervous or anxious when they have too much abundance.

Say, "I now open to receive the abundance of the universe."

If you notice yourself getting worried when things are going

too well or stopping the flow of abundance in some way,

ask your Higher Self to join you to show you how to open

to receive and to allow more abundance into your life.

Think of a time when you allowed more abundance into

your life in some area than you ever thought possible.

Bring that feeling of allowing, receiving, and deserving into

your body. Observe how good it feels.

Then, imagine that you are creating the same thing in the

area of your life you are working on.

Think of this area, and let yourself feel the same good feelings as you imagine having abundance in this area too.

Let go of wanting something to come from a certain person,

in a certain way, or in a certain time frame.

Let abundance come to you in all of its forms and ways, from everyone and anyone, and in its perfect timing.

Once you have identified the abundance you want, expand

your thinking. Imagine having even more abundance.

Unlimited thinking is more than thinking big; it is thinking creatively.

It is allowing yourself to imagine having all that you might have.

Ask your Higher Self to assist you through your thoughts, dreams, and visions to see an even bigger vision of what
you can have in this area of your life.

Your imagination is very powerful. It creates your reality.

If you can imagine it, you can create it.

Use your imagination and your ability to daydream and fantasize.

Don’t think, "That’s impossible; it can’t be done."

Think in possibilities.

Ask yourself, "What is the best possible outcome, circumstance, or thing I can create?"

After you have imagined the best, think of an even better result.

Challenge yourself to go beyond the boundaries you

have set for what you think you can have.

Say to yourself,

"I live in an abundant universe.

I always have everything I need."

Expand your trust in the universe.

Believe that it is abundant. Say to yourself, "I live in an abundant universe.''

 Believe in your ability to create what you want, and demonstrate your belief through your actions, words, and behaviour.

If you feel you have a scarcity of something in your life,

pretend you have abundance in this area.

What would you do differently if this were the case?

Take at least one small action everyday to demonstrate

your trust in your Higher Self to create abundance in this

Be patient

Whatever you are experiencing now is the result of your past thoughts and beliefs.

As you start changing these, you will experience a different reality.

Examine other areas of your life in which you are operating on beliefs of scarcity.

Explore an area that is causing you anxiety.

Is there a belief in scarcity that is underlying your problems with this area?

Imagine having complete abundance.

How would it change the way you handle this problem?

Then, go back and work with the process you just learned

to bring abundance into this area of your life.

Picture having abundance

in every area of your life.

Picture having everything you want in every area of your


See how this would be a benefit to those around you.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone you knew had abundance.

As you picture having abundance for yourself, make a

picture of everyone in the world experiencing abundance


Imagine you are picking blackberries.

At first you cannot find the bushes.

You keep looking, find a few bushes, and pick a few ripe blackberries.

As you keep exploring, you find more and more

blackberry bushes.

Pretty soon you are in fields of blackberry bushes, with

more ripe, tasty blackberries than you can ever eat.

You take exactly what you need, no more, no less.

You have found abundance

This is what it is like when you start to create

abundance in an area of your life.

At first it may be hard to find.

There may only be small signs that it is coming.

Soon there will be more and more.

After awhile, your greatest challenge will be in


and living with all the abundance that is there.

You can have abundance in every area of your life;

you can have enough of everything you need.

Things can come into your life and flow out of your

life in a balanced way.

Imagine how the world might be different if there

was a belief in abundance.

Picture a world where there was enough for everyone;

that no one believed they needed to take from others

to create abundance for themselves.

If everyone could create the abundance that is his or

her natural birthright, you would have fewer reasons

for war or to harm the earth.

These new beliefs will draw to humanity ways to create abundance for everyone, ways humanity has not even conceived of yet that tap into sunlight and the unlimited resources of the universe

The universal supply is infinite.

You can start by believing that it is possible to have

abundance in your own life, then picturing abundance

for everyone.

As you picture abundance and the changes it could

bring, you are helping to bring about a better world.

You are adding energy to assist in creating a

changed world, one that reflects the light of the

higher dimensions and yourselves as you exist there

by Orin and DaBen

Energy Tip

Your Auric field /Energy Gridwork is the energy capsule that you exist in. 
It is designed to hold you in an energetic casing, like an energetic eggshell to support you in feeling safe, vibrant, supported, and well in this world.

Most people have Auric field issues

Here are some common Auric field issues:

*tears in the energy
*collapsed or imbalanced energy fields
*holding other peoples emotional energy in their field
*shrinking fields

Experience this simple energy healing technique to help repair and restore your Auric field:

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, take a deep breath through your nose and out through your mouth.

Using your arms and hands imagine you are fluffing the energy around you.

Bend over and fluff it around your feet, moving up toward your head, turning all around, fluffing, fluffing, fluffingyour energy.

As you fluff imagine you are releasing any body else's energy that is not yours.

Want an individual session to repair and upgrade your energy field ?
This is much more than the exercise you have just read aboud

Experience an auric clearing

Clear & balance your energy centres and meridians and realise more of your potential
Clear your meridians and balance your emotions
Clear and re-align your energy grids to have more energy
Enhance your energy flow and well being

Reclaim and enhance Personal Energy through receiving this treatment
Available by phone  or remotely 

Practice Being Responsible For Your Pain.

The mind covers up reality without knowing it. To know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence

the capacity to look at the mind in silent and dispassionate awareness." ~ Nisargadatta

Every experience that life brings you is a gift to enlighten the path in front of you. No matter how negative the experience is, you can always find some way to make a nourishing lemonade out of those sour lemons.
 You have the alchemist power within you to transform the worst demons you meet on the road into angels with wings sent from heaven.
 All you need is a simple shift in your perception.
 By knowing what is true and what is just a thought flying through your mind you can become free from potential future suffering.

The way you see the world determines everything. Who you are being is shaped by that which you see. Someone who can only sees the good in others can only feel good inside themselves.
 We automatically feel what we are focusing on.
 If you could train your mind to think only positive thoughts about your present predicament, then only positive feelings would be experienced by you. Your inner world is a reflection of what you place your attention upon.

The mind functions  like a movie projector, continuously playing movies, displaying images from the past and future onto the blank screen of consciousness.
 Naturally we are entertained by certain scenes that engage us emotionally, getting sucked into the drama and pulled into the story. This is where problems are created.
 When you start believing your inner movie is real.

If you become stressed, uptight or overwhelmed with life, start asking yourself this simple question,
 "What is reality and what is my imagination?"
When you know the difference between these opposite worlds, and discover a world which was not born from your imagination, you'll uncover the greatest secret to creating the happiest life you can imagine. Total freedom from your mind.
 This is the first step towards total transformation, the second step is finding peace with every movie that is still re-playing itself within you.

"God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives

you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine." ~Osho

One of the most powerful life transforming practical secrets for enlightening your life comes in six magical words.
 Practice Being Responsible For Your Pain.
Once you take ownership of the emotional sabotaging energy inside you, you can step through it and create something brand new.
You are the adult here who is the authority of every unwanted feeling inside you.
 Nobody can make you feel anything that you won't allow yourself to feel anymore.
Believe it or not, you are the boss of your life! You always have the choice to decide how you want to feel.

If you're constantly saying to someone, "You made me feel xyz" you are giving away your power and creative manifesting ability.
 By proclaiming to the Universe that another person can control how you feel, you have to play the powerless victim role in your life.
 Its usually the snake-like escape artist inside who avoids their pain and continuously blames other for how they are feeling inside.
When you take ownership of the pain inside you, a new movie has to start playing that is about healing. (daily uplifting messages)

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Virtual Reality Game is one of the processes shared by Abraham in Ask and It is Given

The Virtual Reality Game is one of the processes shared by Abraham in Ask and It is Given.
It involves using the imagination to raise our vibration. We simply have to close our eyes and imagine something lovely, uplifting, funny, etc.
This helps to de-activate unwanted vibrations and re-activate vibrations higher up the emotional scale
It does not involve a visualisation of what we are wanting to manifest, that is a different process, this one is a short and sweet visit to another place to uplift our vibration.

here is a quote from one of the Abraham workshops

Deactivate Unwanted Vibrations
So the word, dominant, is a word we want you to hook up with.
 "What is my dominant vibration?" Another word is activated.
So, there is this thing I do not want and I say, "I don't want you in my experience."
But as I give my attention to this thing that I do not want, I have
activated it  because attention to it activates the vibration of it in me.

So I say, "I'm going to deactivate you." You can't do it.
 You can't deactivate something because the whole time your attention is focused
on this thing you want to deactivate, you are activating it.
The only way you can deactivate something is by withdrawing your attention from
it because as long as it's got your attention it's activated.

That's the point of a virtual reality in which you activate things that feel good.
 You activate vibrations that feel good, until those are the activated, dominant vibrations within you, which makes it less likely that you will activate one of those others.
 What becomes dominant within you becomes dominant within you.
That's not to say that you don't have some old issues that you've been dragging around
that are not activated all the time, but when they come up, you know they've come up.

Often, you say, "Well, I've got this issue. I'm going to wrestle it to the ground and kill it."
And we say, no you're not; you're going to make it more alive in your vibration.
You're going to give it your attention; you're going to activate it within you and then, what is
Law of Attraction going to do?
It's going to help you remember more things just like it. It's going to bring to you other people that have
that sameissue activated.
 It's going to rendezvous you with magazine articles, television programs; it's going to hook you up with all kinds of things like that that are already activated and you're going to have the experience that you do not want because you cannot deactivate something that you are trying to deactivate.
Trying to deactivate it – activates it. Nice to know, isn't it? So, how do you
deactivate this thing you do not want? By activating something else.

So if I have sickness that I want to deactivate, should I focus upon the subject of a well body?
 We wouldn't, because when you focus upon
the subject of a well body, you're going to activate your dominant
When you pick up on the subject of my body or my health and
the dominant vibration is one of worry and concern, then whenever you
try to work on feeling better, you just activate the vibration right where it is.

So that's why we don't want you to go to Hawaii and work on your body.

Because if, in the Virtual Reality, you go there, you're on the beach,
the sun is shining, you're taking a walk, you feel wonderful. But
then, as soon as you think, "I'm going to get my body back in shape,"
your visualization goes south because what you've just done is
reactivated the already troublesome vibration.

So that's why we say, get in- feel good - get out.
 Get in, feel good, get out. Get in, feel good, get out. So you string enough of
that "get in, feel good," together and you feel so good that you have,
for a period of time, deactivated whatever it is that's been troubling you and then you begin to get improvement.

But then when people say, "What are you doing?
 How did you achieve this improvement?" And then you think about the issue and the
improvement begins to wane, right away, because your old friends have
helped you activate the very thing that you do not want.

So you just keep practicing and practicing and practicing, until you're sure-footed.
You can get so you can smell it coming from a mile away.

You get so you can feel it coming in a conversation. You get so you
head things off. And just as you get in, feel good and get out in your
visualizations, you begin to do that with phone calls, too. Your
meetings with one another become briefer.

You get in, you feel good; if the conversation starts taking you
someplace you don't want to go – you get out. You become addicted to
your source. You become so enlivened with feeling the way that is
natural to you, that then, all that other stuff becomes a non-issue.
You don't have to protect yourself from it. You couldn't if you tried.

You've just deactivated it and it is a non-issue for you.

So things that are troubling others and they try to trouble you, they
send you pictures in the mail, troubling things about the environment
or about animals or about children or about anthrax, in other words,
they send you worrisome things and you don't take them and tear them
up in little pieces and set them on fire and activate them. They're a
non-issue. They don't have anything to do with you. They don't fire
you up, They don't worry you. They are a non-issue, because the issues
that matter to you are so activated. You don't push against anything
because pushing against it activates it within you.
Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Workshops 5/25/02 - Chicago

Friday, December 06, 2013

Creating Affluence

How would you like to turn on the tap of an abundant flow or supply? How often do you experience a profusion of something? Both of these concepts are associated with affluence, and at some time in everyone's life we may all wish for more, even if we do not use the word affluence itself.
Affluence can be thought of as that experience when we feel our needs are being easily satisfied and it is as if our wishes are granted.
If that experience seems elusive, we can meditate on the concept of affluence each day, and begin to build a vision board that represents the state of affluence to us. We can look for evidence of it every day, for what we focus on expands.
We can ask ourselves what affluence actually means for us , what our affluent life would feel like and look like, taste like and smell like.
That's what this creating affluence is all about.
During our meditation time we could ask ourselves what color affluence is for us, and what shape it is, we could ask ourselves what is the scent of affluence , and what it sounds like. We can write these answers in our journal, and make a representation of our inner experiences too, such as making a drawing in the journal too.
I once read of a young man who wanted to experience more affluence coming to the realization of how important olive oil was for him in his cooking. He made a small yet crucial change in his behavior and began to buy only the highest quality olive oil and this realization followed by action was a turning point for him.
What might happen if you did these simple exercises today, what would you realize, and what would be your next small, inspired step into more allowing more affluence?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

it is not the individual that has consciousness

Understand that it is not the individual that has consciousness;

it is the consciousness which assumes innumerable forms.

That something which is born or

which will die is purely imaginary.

It is the child of a barren woman.

In the absence of this basic concept ‘I am’,

there is no thought, there is no consciousness.

Any embodied person with the knowledge ‘I am’

carries on his activities in the world with the name only.

That inner core, the ‘I am’ has no shackles.

Once it is understood th

Understand that it is not the individual that has consciousness;

it is the consciousness which assumes innumerable forms.

That something which is born or

which will die is purely imaginary.

It is the child of a barren woman.

In the absence of this basic concept ‘I am’,

there is no thought, there is no consciousness.

Any embodied person with the knowledge ‘I am’

carries on his activities in the world with the name only.

That inner core, the ‘I am’ has no shackles.

Once it is understood that I am that ‘I am’ only,

and not this shackled form, then no liberation is called for,

that itself is liberation...


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life is always making something wonderful out of itself

I came across this spiritual mind treatment and hope you enjoy it as much as I did

Life is always making something wonderful out of itself, and it's always doing it in my life.
 I understand that this is a spiritual universe, filled with potential and possibility, awaiting only my acceptance of a greater experience. 
I accept that expansion and joy in my life today, for I know that Spirit is always looking for an inlet in my life; I give it a place in my mind and heart to go to work creating wonderful things!

These get created by means of the ideas that come to me through the course of the day.
 They get created by the love that I am able to give and receive in every relationship.
 And these wonderful things show up in my work, because I have set a powerful intention to place them there.

The laws of Spirit support me totally in this new unfoldment of good. Any ideas that something is too old or too habitual to be released are simply not true; the power of spirit can transform anything, and it has done it in me by means of this prayer.

I am so grateful to be an outlet for the power and presence of Spirit! I let it be so this day, and every day of my life. And so it is.

What are the Akashic Record

The term Akasha comes from the Sanskrit language . It means "hidden library".
This hidden hall of records can be explored by diving into the subconscious mind in deep states of meditation. Everyone can learn the skill of meditation.
The information you'll find in an Akashic Reading is a glimpse into your Soul's path and destiny.
You could have access to this information because you are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.
That's why I offer all these Upgrades.
The Akasha is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.
The Akashic Field of energy is found within each situation you are in. Just stop and look within the experience. Go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts.
Notice this consciousness that is here. We are all gently woven into the Universal web of consciousness, this is the doorway into the Akasha.
When we tap into and open this subconscious connection, we can pull up specific information about any soul's journey, in any place or time in history.
Like most things, practice reaps rich rewards.
The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or just as you notice you're falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep. When you choose step beyond your normal chattering mind and into the silence, you begin can hear, see and feel this information.

Zannie Rose offers distant sessions to upgrade your capacity to tune into your own records
email to book your session this week

How can I access my Akashic records

The secret to tapping into the ancient Akashic Records is by developing your ability to go into an extremely deep and meditative mindset.
Through consistent meditation you will learn to quiet your mind and access your personal Akashic Records through sight, hearing or a "knowingness" .
Finding your personal Akashic Records is similar to tuning your radio to a particular channel or frequency.
Your soul sends out a "signature" frequency that you can feel is you, and then the data starts being transmitted from your Akashic Record into your awareness.
There is "alignment feeling" you will experience inside your body when you are tuned into your personalAkashic Record.
The enlightening information you'll receive in your Akasha often comes in randomly and when you least expect it. The information and insights simply happen when the body and mind are open, centred and focused on what you most need to know.
Each meditation journey will reveal more information than before.
The experience of your Akashic Records could even reveal a personal vision of your most enlightened future self, or events from the past that you may need help releasing.
Are your ready for a remote  Akashic Records Upgrade?
Arrange it today with Zannie Rose
Akashic Records Programme Upgrade

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nisargadatta -What in Your Case Occupies The ENTIRE FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS,is only a speck in min

Why do you deny being to the world?

Maharaj Nisargadutta:
I do not negate the world. I see it as appearing in consciousness, which is the totality of the known in the immensity of the unknown.
What begins and ends is mere appearance. The world can be said to appear, but not to be. The appearance may last very long on some scale of time, and be very short on another, but ultimately it comes to the same. Whatever is time bound is momentary and has no reality.

Surely, you see the actual world as it surrounds you. You seem to behave quite normally!

That is how it appears to you. What in your case occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere speck in mine. The world lasts, but for a moment. It is your memory that makes you think that the world continues. Myself, I don't live by memory. I see the world as it is, a momentary appearance in consciousness.

- Nisargdatta Maharaj


As long as you imagine yourself to be something tangible and solid, a thing among things, actually existing in time and space, short lived and vulnerable, naturally you will be anxious to survive and increase.
But when you know yourself as beyond space and time, in contact with them only at the point of here and now, otherwise all-pervading and all-containing, unapproachable, unassailable, invulnerable, you will be afraid no longer.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

We all have 12 essential programmes that are present at birth

We all have 12 essential programmes that are present at birth

These programmes are part of the etheric soul matter that is anchored in our central column

These twelve essential programmes are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run the entire human body system with ease and grace,when they are fully functioning

Often these programmes get corrupted or deleted due to life experiences and this inhibits our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self.

The twelve programmes are:

Body Maintenance and Orientation

This is one of the more important of all the programmes. It helps you to know your body intimately .

This programme supports your knowing of what is right and of the highest good for your body at any given moment.

It is designed to educate you on the human body system and what maintenance is required.

You will know more clearly what specific supplements or healing modalities are best suited to your needs.

You will also become friends with your body- ask yourself daily- whats right about embodiment that I'm not getting?


This programme helps you to communicate in a wide variety of ways what you feel, eloquently & almost effortlessly in more situations.

Intuition & Divine Guidance

This programme connects your access to intuition and divine guidance, thus minimizing confusion
and enhancing clarity.

Magical Skills & Creativity

This programme awakens your memory and ability to access creative and magical soul gifts you acquired throughout your soul's journey. These may include artistic talent, healing abilities, animal communication,divination,prophecy, teaching talents & more.

Once it is running smoothly, this programme enhances your capacity to more consciously access and manifets these gifts. It may help you to learn new techniques more quickly

Soul Contract and Divine Plan

This programme activates your memory of why you are here and what part you agreed to play in the ascension process of earth.

Personal Database

This programme organizes, files, categorizes and prioritizes all of your thoughts, words and actions into a cohesive and accessible format. It helps clear memory lapses and any problems with data downloading. It catalogues all external data and allows you quicker, easier reference to everything. It takes energy packages which are being downloaded from the etheric realms and interprets, organises and releases them to you when the time is right.

Upgrades, Corrections & Automatic Override

This programme facilitates your ability to automatically make adjustments and correct imbalances in your mental, emotional and physical energy bodies.

Protection and Filter System Scanner

This full system programme scans all of the input you receive throughout the day and catches and deletes all incoming and outgoing energies which are limiting, negative or fear-based. This includes all judgement thoughts or feelings.

Planetary Orientation

This programme downloads to you on a moment-by-moment basis everything that you need to be aware of that is going on with the planet.


This programme assists you in understanding the nature and flow of energy and how it relates to the material world.

It enhances and boosts your abilities to magnetize things, events and synchronicities on the earth plane.

Dream Recall

When this programme is installed and running, you will be able to remember and recapture your dreams each morning by just saying "Dream Recall." It works well if you are keeping a dream journal and doing regualr work with your dreams

Akashic Records

This programme connects you with the planetary and universal libraries and records.

More Info:~

Probably the three highest priority programmes are the protection and filter system scanner, personal database and the body maintenance and orientation programme.

When you receive an upgrade on one of these programmes, I use my intuitive abilty , inner sight and souls's guidance to connect with your soul and discover if there are any programmes that need to be deleted as they are no longer necessary or essential to the highest level functioning for each programme

Then I check with your soul to see if the programme is installed or has been deleted from your energy field.

Once has been deleted, I download and install one from the Divine Blueprints.

If it is functioning, I ask at what level is it functioning and then upgrade it to 100%.

Ho'oponpono cleaning on Money

What if we do this cleaning every day - would money love that?

Divine Spirit, Superconscious, please locate the Origin of my feelings thoughts memories of MONEY .

Take each and every level, layer, area and aspect of my being to this origin.

Analyse it and resolve it perfectly with God’s truth.

Come through all generations of time and eternity.

Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin.

Please do it according to God’s will until I am at the present, filled with Light and Truth.

God’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions.

Forgiveness of every person, place,circumstances and event which contributed to this, these feelings, thoughts, memories.

Thank you and I love you. And it is Done.

Morrnah Simeona

for healing on money and filling up bank account touch a picture of Bottle Palm each day.

Zannie Rose is happy to clean with you on your money story