Wednesday, August 13, 2008

DNA 12 Strand Activation

Here are some of the benefits people are reporting:~

Enhance your well being

Develop your intuition and more

Activate your DNA 12 Strands

Learn a new process to dissolve unhelpful patterns

Feel more youthful as energy level increases

Quickened capacity for self healing

Speedier manifestations

Keener sense of knowing

Peace and calmness within

Outdated truths and beliefs no longer work

Enhanced self trust and awareness

Replacing “seeking” with “resolving

”More Conscious Languaging

Enhanced discernment

Increased sensitivity, perceptions, and telepathy

Seeing relationships more clearly

Attracting soul mates and soul families

Letting go of old stuff, people and things


Courses will be on the following dates, in London



1:1 or telephone session also an option

begin your day with a spiritual mind treameny


There is but One Power – we call It by many names, but It is so much more than that. This One Power resides in every corner of the Universe. Every corner is Its own Self. It resides within me as well.
As I breathe deeply and accept this Truth, I feel all judgment and fear dissipate with my outgoing breath. The Peace I am is now revealed. I feel it within me and all around me. In Peace I celebrate the activities I see in my world – my own and those of others. I know they are all a reflection of my thinking/feeling nature. I am filled with Peace, so I see and experience Peace, and this is good, very good.
I am so grateful for the consciousness of abundance. I know this is an abundance of all good things, including the deep peace of my soul. I am grateful to take responsibility for my part in walking in the right direction, and being an emissary of Peace.
I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are so. And so It is