Sunday, April 27, 2008

I see I have not posted in a while.that does not mean I have not been doing my processes. I have, but time spent doing Om na ma si va ya leaves less time to blog.

There have been reuslts this weekI had someone book a DNA Activation session yesterday and when she arrived, she asked if she could have a reiki treatment afterwards. I was surprised, and very pleased of course. It was lovely to work with someone who was looking after herself so well. I wonder if I could add it as an optional extra for future clients?

It also meant that I was paid extra, which seems to be a re-assurance from the divine bankers that expenses for my seminar next month will be covered.had a fun manifestation this week too.

Last Sunday I began a chanting group...we will be doing a 3 hour mantra chanting marathon, every Sunday for 5 sessions.I sat on the sofa last week, choosing comfort and avoiding the floor cushions, however that meant I was v close to the incense, which made me cough a lot..what to do ?? I thought lightly that I needed a cushion with a back to it. On Thursday I had a card from the Post Office telling me they tried to deliver a parcel..when I went to collect it I was amazed. It was a gift from the owner of a website where I am a voluntary guessed..a mini chair..perfect to take along with me to the mantra chanting effort..wish granted

zannie rose
ps DNA Activation courses on May 14th /Jue 29th or July 12th