Friday, September 30, 2016

You are the only power. You are the only love.

You are the only power. You are the only love.
There is no one besides you.
Yet you are not what you appear to be.
Stop identifying with worldly conditions.

Every time something comes up simply say to yourself, "I am,"
and the
begin losing your identity and
you merge into your own consciousness.

When I say that you merge into your consciousness
I do not mean that there is consciousness and there is you.
What I mean is you really awaken to your Self.
You awaken to your true nature.

There is not a consciousness hiding somewhere and
you have to go and find it.
Consciousness is you.
Simply stop thinking. 

Quiet your mind and you will begin to shine.
Do not plan for things.
Forget about goals.
Forget about desires.
Simply work on quieting your mind.
And as you unfold you will find that things are getting better for you.
Life appears brighter, more harmonious, more loving.
It happens by itself.
You merely have to slow down your thoughts

Do you see a difference between this and psychology?
You're not trying to resolve your problems.
You're not trying to figure out why something happened in your life

You're going the other way.
You're trying to become quiet, peaceful, no words, no thoughts.
That's when things happen. 

You have to make up your mind in which direction you wish to go
and realize that the more talkative you are, the less you're going
to awaken, because talk is part of the relative world. 

The voice has been given to you to express the material world.
When you quiet down your voice, when you become still,
then reality begins to shine forth of its own accord.

I-am will begin the process for you.
The I am is like a switch.
Whenever you get caught up in the world you merely turn on the switch by saying, "I -am," and all of a sudden you'll find that

~Robert Adams - T.44 - Signs of Progress - 14th February, 1991

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

There is no personal self to do anything;

"No arbitrary judgment is required in a universe which is innately just and self-balancing. 
Each entity experiences the consequences of its own doing, its own choices, its own wishes and belief systems."

"The Infinite Presence has no intentions because, here again, there would have to be the duality of an intender, that which is intended, and that to whom the intention is directed. 

All such constructs are conceptualizations based on perceptual duality. God is nondualistic, total, complete Allness and Oneness."

"There is no speaker and no one to decide to speak. 
Life is directed and propelled by the Presence.
 The illusion of an independent, personal will or decision maker is gone forever."

"There is no personal self to do anything; there is no thinker to think, no actor to act, no doer to do, no decider to decide. All verbs, adjectives, and pronouns become meaningless."

"The Presence is beyond all thought, mentation, or even observation. 
The awareness is Self-awareness that stems from the knowingness of actually being All That Is; therefore, there is nothing to know 'about'.
 There is no knower or known; they are one and the same."

"All considerations, expectations, and mental or emotional activity cease and are replaced by a silent knowingness which is without form or content. 
To be All That Is leaves nothing unanswered or unknown. That which formerly thought itself to be an 'I' or a 'me' has vanished. 
One is now invisible."

"With the cessation of time, the doors swing open to an eternity of joy; the love of God becomes the Reality of the Presence.
 The Knowingness of the Truth of all Life and Existence stands forth with stunning Self-revelation. The wonderment of God is so all encompassing and enormous that it surpasses all possible imagination. To be at last truly and finally home is profound in the totality of its completeness. The idea that man fears God then seems so ludicrous that it is a tragic insanity.

 In reality, that which is the very essence of love dissolves all fear forever. 
There is also a divine comedy in the absurdity of mankind's struggles and sufferings are seen as pointless and needless. 
Divine Love is infinitely compassionate; that people believe in a God who gets upset and angry at people's limitations is hard to believe.
 The blind world of the ego is an endless nightmare; even its seeming gifts are evanescent and hollow. 
To be content with living in the confines of the ego is a pathetic price to pay for the measly crumbs that the ego repays for submission and subservience to it. 
 Its little gains and pleasures are pitiful and only fleeting and transient."
Excerpts from:
The Eye of The I: From Which Nothing is Hidden

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Radiance and Effulgence of the nonlinear Self

"The Radiance and Effulgence of the nonlinear Self are autonomous, consequent to relinquishment of the linear/ego positionalities and emotions that preclude their realization."

"There is no 'cause' in Enlightenment anymore than there is a 'cause' for God."
"Thus, one does not 'get' Enlightenment, nor is there any personal self to whom the condition could be applied, much less held as a quality or attribute."

"The way to Enlightenment is simply that of surrendering the barriers that preclude the state of Realization. The personal self, therefore, does not become enlightened but instead falls away and is replaced by the previously obscured Reality of the Self as the Radiance of God Immanent."
pg.xiii of Introduction

"The condition was a permanent replacement of the personal self—a silent, universal timeless Presence by which the totality of Allness replaces any prior states of consciousness or the presumption of a personal self or 'I'."

"Enlightenment is the consequence of the surrender of all dualistic illusions to Truth. 
All suffering ends with dissolution of the ego's positionalities. Thus do we praise the Lord God for radiating Light to the world."

"The core of devotion is humility and the willingness to surrender all belief systems and illusions of 'I know'."
"To 'Know', it is necessary to drop the limiting impairment of the illusion of knowing 'about'."

"One can surrender the desire of thinkingness to God, which then quickly brings up the mind's fear of survival. At that point, one has to surrender the will to survive to God. If one stops thinking, there is the fear of being mindless. To be thoughtless is called 'Divine idiocy', or 'Divine stupidity'."

"A useful decision or choice is to decide to stop mentally talking about everything and refrain from interjecting comments, opinions, preferences, and value statements. It is therefore a discipline to just watch without evaluating, investing worth in, or editorializing, commenting, and having preferences about what is witnessed."
"It is an informative practice to 'pretend' to the stupid."


"All thinking, from a spiritual viewpoint, is merely vanity, illusion, and pomposity."

"In the end, to the true devotee, the pursuit of spiritual reality supercedes all other considerations. The commitment to become enlightened involves the decision 'No matter what.'"

Excerpts from:
Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality