Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Violet Flame and the Body

The Violet Flame can help you restore love for the body and realise the benefits of incarnation during these transformational times.
Surround your body with the Violet Flame on waking and just before sleep

The Violet Flame can help you awaken into greater love for yourself and all beings.
Visualise the Violet Flame around people who press your buttons.

The Violet Flame can help you in becoming a conduit for a greater love as you say YES to your Vibrational Upgrade in 2014-15

Imagine walking through your day in a river of Violet Fire.

violet_flame7@yahoo.co.uk to book a remote Violet Flame attunement or a 45 minute phone session or a remote treatment
International sessions at a time to suit you



Stephanie Bird said...

Sounds lovely and tempting.

~Sia McKye~ said...

Interesting article. Love that violet color, too.

Sia McKye Over Coffee