Friday, October 07, 2011

The Violet Flame can help you rediscover, align with and realise your Divine Self

The Violet Flame can help you rediscover, align with and realise your Divine Self  by dissolving emotional blocks.

The Violet Flame can help you cleanse, balance and align your energy centres as you bathe each chakra with its gentle yet powerful energy on a regualr basis

The Violet Flame can help you raise and maintain your vibration in daily life once you make it a daily practice to call upon the Violet Flame in every day circumstances.

The Violet Flame can bring you a deeper inner knowing as you take the opportunities to make a higher choice each moment. It helps you to choose the highest thoughts and actions.

The Violet Flame can help you dissolve victim consciousness and reclaim your personal power. There is more realisation of what you can truly choose. Life seems to open up

The Violet Flame can support and encourage you as you step on to your new path of Transformation as it helps you find the courage to step into the unknown.

The Violet Flame can help you restore love for the body and realise the benefits of incarnation during these transformational times.It helps you to see what's right about embodiment that maybe you have not been getting.

The Violet Flame can help you awaken into greater love for yourself and all beings.If you feel that impulse to be a contribution to the planet, here is a wonderful tool you can put to use 24/7, for the benefit of all.

The Violet Flame can help you in becoming a conduit for a greater love as you say YES to your Vibrational Upgrade .This spitual process can help you know and Be more love.

The Violet Flame can help you decide to and discover the joy of living in the Now and can help you Trust , Believe Transform

The Violet Flame can help you dissolve old beliefs and so change your future

The Violet Flame can help you synchronise your heart and mind, to blend left and right brain awareness

The Violet Flame can help you anchor into Divinity

The Violet Flame ensures your deep cellular clearing

The Violet Flame can support and purify your physical body in its transformation

The Violet Flame can help you as you reclaim your Mastery

The Violet Flame can help you in a transformation of Self

The Violet Flame can help you with your intention of increasing consciousness in the moment

It is a wonderful spiritual technology, accessible to all. What would it take for you to learn to use it too?

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