Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Olympics and 2012

I am delighted London is hosting the 2012 Olympic Games. It will be fascinating to watch the Phoenix in action in east London. David Beckham was at his most charming on the day of the announcement. The whole Olympic bid caught my attention and I regularly transmitted Divine Will to the process and will continue to do so for the next 7 years. According to Alice Bailey, London is one of the points of entry for extra planetary energy as is new York, one of the other contenders.
As Mayan prophecy tells us 2012 promises great shifts in the collective consciousness. The games will generate a huge amount of energy in London, which will be dispersed for the higher good. Cant wait. Here's a quote to celebrate the first ray qualities of focus and persistence of the athletes

Our bodies are the instruments through which we experience life on this sweet Earth and manifest Spirit into matter. Being fully alive in our bodies is to awaken the Divine on Earth."
--Brooke Medicine Eagle

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