Thursday, July 28, 2005

Ascension Paradigm

I am very interested in the Ascension Paradigm , so much so that I have been holding an Ascension Study Group for 5 years. Today I held my 1st Introduction to Ascension teleclass and intend to run more beginning on September 28th at 7pm GMT/1pm PT.

There is more info on

One of the processes included is exploring the energy of the higher chakras. Most people interested in spiritual growth are aware of the importance of chakras 1-7.
I like to introduce my groups to the 4th and 5th dimensional chakras

Higher Chakras and their Associations

8. Emerald-Green and Purple. This is the energy to call on for a deep cleansing

9 Blue-green. This is associated with joy.

10 Pearlescent. This balances the inner male and female aspects

11 Pink-orange. This energy brings in the energies of the New Age

12 Luminous gold. This is the energy of Christ Consciousness

13 Violet-Pink.This chakra has a connection with materializing things

14 Violet-Blue. This is connected with unlimitedness

15 Gold-White This chakra is concerend with your Monadic Connection

16 Violet-White. The 16th chakra is associated with ascension and becoming Universal Being

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