Monday, August 29, 2005

Putting on a Happy Face

How often do you put on a happy face, when deep inside you really feel angry, hurt, upset, fearful, or shy.
Would you like to meet that part of you and find out how it is trying to protect and help you?

Begin by speaking the Soul Mantra if you use it
Use your breath to bring yourself to a sense of centre
Imagine yourself in a lovely meadow on a spring day

Just ahead of you is a cottage and you are aware that there are people inside
Invite the part of you that puts on a happy face while hurting inside, to come and join you
Notice who/what comes out to join you
Welcome it and ask it how it is trying to help you.
Imagine it blending with you
Spend a moment imagining what life would be like if that was all that you were
Then take a little time imagining what life would be like if it wasnt there at all
Then disidentify from it so you are separate again.

You see a mountain on the other side of the meadow
Invite this part to accompany you up the mountain
At the top a being of light a Master or an angel calls the part over and surrounds it in transformatioanl light
Observe what is happening
Notice how this part of yourself is changing
After a while ask for this part to turn into a symbol
Take this symbol into your heart

Be silent for a moment, then return back down the mountain to the meadow
How do you feel?
Make some notes

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