Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Ho'oponopono comes from an old Hawaiian tradition. Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning 'make right' and it is a simple yet profound way of making things right in our lives.

Originally it was used in family situations where there was disharmony among family members A mediator would be invited , and Ho'oponopono would be used to make things right between them.
In the 1980's Morrnah Simeona created an updated version that can be used individually for our own healing and personal development. This is called 'Self-Identity Through Ho'oponopono' .

With Ho'oponopono, we can dissolve the layers around our personality and reveal our true selves, making right things that are wrong in our life as we do so. Each and every time we practice Ho'oponopono, we are encouraged to take one hundred per cent responsibility for everything in our lives, both good and bad .

If we see someone who is suffering , then we have brought that person into our life and we are responsible for them being there. We are not actually responsible for that person, or for their suffering, but we are responsible for them being in our present moment.
Whenever we are suffering ourselves, in any way , then we are responsible for that. If we are happy, we are responsible for that .

To take one hundred per cent responsibility means perceiving every situation we find ourselves in as a projection of something inside of us, and not an external circumstance. The principle behind Ho'oponopono is that everything that is wrong in our lives is simply our bodies or our circumstances replaying old memories, feelings or beliefs.

Our subconscious has recorded every event that has happened to us so far in our lives. Every word, action, and deed both good and bad is held there along with the beliefs and thoughts we were brought up with. And all that data is still influencing our lives and the way we live today.
If we want to make things right , we must begin 'clean' those old memories or feelings.

Ho'oponopono allows us to release these old memories, feelings or beliefs that are held in our subconscious and cause us problems today.

It can heal and clear all the energies held by current and past situations and people permanently. It only takes a few minutes to do each day, but don't be fooled by how easy it is. Just those few minutes can have fantastic results as each layer of beliefs and memories is gradually erased.

How to Practice Ho'oponopono
Gently bring into your awareness a situation or memory that bothers you.
This can be anything , such as a concern for a family member, how to pay upcoming bills or a situation in the world that bothers you.

As you hold this issue in your awareness say over and over
I love you.

You are saying this to the problem, yourself, and to the Universe, the Divine. When you do this you are coming from the highest vibration , that of love. Thank you.
Say this to yourself, the Universe/the Divine for cleaning this memory and transmuting this issue. It's a simple as that. You can do it out loud or silently if you prefer.

Say 'Thank You, I love You' whenever something upsets you, makes you angry, makes you cry, worries or frightens you.

Say these short phrases whenever you're having a challenge with someone
Say them whenever you can.

Each time an unwanted memory or problem comes up , say them again. Even if you don't know what it is that's causing your problem, it doesn't matter. Simply say the words and let the Universe clean and clear the energy around your problem. Say them over and over again until you feel it's right to stop.

As you say the words, observe what comes up for you.

You may be inspired to take action to help with your cleaning, or you may find a different memory or other problem comes up as you work. In that case, do Ho'oponopono on the new problem or memory. And when you're glad or happy, acknowledge this by simply saying, "I love you. Thank you." Ways to use Ho'oponopono There are many different ways to use Ho'oponopono.
You dont actually have to have a problem to use the phrases.
You may be looking forward to a party, or a conference, you can clean in advance by spending a fe minuted saying 'thank you, I love you'

Use it at night, before you go to sleep to tell yourself "I love you." " "Thank you."

If you have a headache or other pain, you can use Ho'oponopono on that . Simply tell your pain "I love you." "Thank you." If you seem to be surrounded by people with problems, simply do Ho'oponopono on those people.

Do it mentally as you come across them.
Say to them "I love you." " "Thank you."

You're not actually working on the people themselves, just on your own awareness of their problems and how they affect you. However, you will find that this seems to have some positive effect on their situation .
The main teacher of Ho'oponopono is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

He used Ho'oponopono when he was working at Hawaii State Hospital.
He worked on the ward where they kept the criminally insane. Dr. Len never actually saw any of the patients in the hospital.
He had an office there and simply reviewed their files. And while he looked at those files, he would work on himself using Ho'oponopono. As he worked on himself, the patients began to heal. And after a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed.

Today, that ward is no longer open. When Dr Len was asked what he did that caused this he said, "I was simply healing the part of me that created them."

Ho'oponopono can be used anywhere, any time on any situation. Whatever your problem or issue is is, no matter how big or small, just keep saying the words over and over to yourself and watch what happens.

The results could exceed your wildest expectations
Thank You I love you

Zannie Rose


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