Friday, March 30, 2012

what causes tiredness?

Over time, the energy of our home can grow stale and tired. Personal exhaustion can creep in when yin chi begins to accumulate. To prevent or overcome this, and the asociated weakness and lethargy, it is important that the chi is revitalised.
Tired energy is usually caused by clutter, spiritual,mental,emotional or physical. Is it therefore time for you to have a good clear out, a good sort out all round? The dejunking process will really revitalise you, as you brush away unhelpful energy , shrug off outdated attitudes and unproductive thoughts and give new energy the opportunity to come into your home and your life..

Chi can be seen as the cosmic breath of the universe that breathes life into all things and if we begin to look at spatial and human energy with new eyes and see things in new ways we can easily cleanse, balance and harmonise our living spaces.
Take a moment right now to consciously focus on the apparenly invisible energy all round you and with in you. What do you notice?

With intention and time, it will be more possible to sense the flow and movement of chi, and to discern differences in the quality of chi in places and around different people, animals, flowers etc.

I will be adding chi tips to the blog...and I can also do remote sessions for chi clearing and balancing as well as deep clearing for you and your home.

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