Thursday, April 05, 2012

Power of Colour Breathing in Interesting Times

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power

Margaret Strortz

This quote is something for us to ponder upon as we deal with the enormous changes going on all around us and all around the globe.

Companies are collapsing, household names disappearing almost overnight. Families made homeless and businesses going bankrupt, with repercussions being felt countrywide. The media is full of doom and gloom reports and at times it can be a challenge to maintain a sense of balance in it all, let alone access feelings of optimism and hope.
Many newspapers and magazines are comparing the current economic situation with the Great Depression, which doesn"t help matters either, does it? With the best will in the world, it can sometimes be a challenge to deal with it all, especially if you or your partner have lost your job, or there are talks of job cuts in your company.
All of this may be triggering family patterns or stirring inherited generational patterns held in the energy centre at the base of your spine. It is possible to use colour breathing to help to cleanse, balance and activate this energy centre, or chakra. This will help you begin to feel safer and more secure in your everyday life.

Here is what you can do.

Take some time out, in a quiet area where you will not be disturbed for about 10 minutes.

Close you eyes and breathe in and out a few times, filling your lungs as fully as you can, and exhaling as completely as you can each time.
This helps you relax and come into a sense of centre.

Once you feel more at ease you begin to focus on your base chakra, which is in the area of the base of your spine.

Allow an image to emerge so that you can get a sense of what condition this chakra is in.

Is the image bright or dull, clear or murky, grungy or clean, cluttered or smart, ragged or smooth?

Just notice what you notice, and allow it to be just as it is.
Let yourself notice how secure or insecure your feel, then let yourself notice how safe or unsafe you feel right now.

Next, hold your hands out, palm upwards and imagine a glowing red ball of red light in the palms of your hands and breathe this red light in through your nose and imagine it is flowing down into the base chakra .

On the inhale allow it to energise this energy centre and on the exhale breathe out all of the energy that is no longer beneficial.

When your first do this colour breathing, you can experiment with 7 cycles, gradually adding to the number of cycles until you reach 28.

At the end of the colour breathing, notice how much safer and secure you feel in the world, and how it seems easier to go and deal with the practical challenges.

During the day you could also affirm: I allow myself to feel more safe and secure each day.

Author Bio :

Zannie Rose, catalyst for your personal growth and spiritual development offers energy healing and balancing to enable you to remove blocks and feel more empowered. ::~1:1 or by telephone

The better it gets the better it gets.

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