Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What are the Akashic Records?

The term Akasha comes from the Sanskrit language . It means "hidden library". This hidden hall of records can be explored by diving into the subconscious mind in deep states of meditation. Everyone can learn the skill of meditation.

The information you'll find in an Akashic Reading is a glimpse into your Soul's path and destiny. You could have access to this information because you are each intimately connected to the Universe, yet sometimes the mind becomes very busy and blocks the connection to this infinite internal database.

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(http://www.essentialprogrammes.webs.com/  -12 Spiritual Upgrades)

The Akasha is a subatomic energy field of quantum particles and waves of information which are found within everything and everyone in this Universe. It is the informational highway that connects all people and things.
The Akashic Field of energy is found within each situation you are in. Just stop and look within the experience. Go through and beneath your emotions and thoughts.

Notice this consciousness that is here. We are all gently woven into the Universal web of consciousness, this is the doorway into the Akasha. When we tap into and open this subconscious connection, we can pull up specific information about any soul's journey, in any place or time in history.

Like most things, practice reaps rich rewards.
The Akasha exists at the subconscious level - the state of awareness just before you wake up in the morning or just as you notice you're falling asleep. Only through a deep state of meditation can one bridge the gap and read what's in this massive informational databank without losing consciousness and falling asleep. When you choose step beyond your normal chattering mind and into the silence, you begin can hear, see and feel this information .

(http://www.essentialprogrammes.webs.com -12 Spiritual Upgrades)

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