Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Releasing Attachment Visualisation

I invite you to do this exercise before you go to bed tonight and when you wake up tomorrow morning. Imagine in your right hand is a deflated pink balloon attached to a string. Hold the string in your right hand and start blowing all your attachments, problems, issue, and worries into this large balloon. You have a magical breath that can breathe the thing (or thought) you are attached to right out of your body. The more attachments you put in, the lighter the balloon becomes. When you have emptied yourself completely, the balloon automatically closes its valve and you let go of the string. The balloon begins to drift up into the sky. Watch it move far away from your life. In the areas of your body where you released the attachments, breathe in a warm golden-white light. Notice that sense of relief and lightness in your body now that it is free from all attachments, worries and concerns. Take a few moments after you have done this exercise to meditate on the idea that you are infinite, eternal, and will never die. Return to this awareness throughout your day and you'll experience a tremendous shift in your ability to create the life you desire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice combination of visualization and meditation to shift thought patterns! It's the first time I've seen the balloon-carrying-worries visualization connected to an infinite-awareness mediation. Wow!