Thursday, July 07, 2016

Be kind, be loving, everything else will take of itself

"Be kind, be loving, everything else will take of itself. You are the one, the holy one, the mighty one, the true one, the loving one. Go within your heart right now. Dive deep within the heart centre and lose yourself entirely. 

The spiritual heart centre is on the right side of the chest. See a sphere of golden light in the heart center, a sphere of beautiful golden light, throbbing. 

See this globe of white light, golden light expanding, expanding throughout the whole universe. Where all of the planets, galaxies, everything are super- impositions on this golden globe of light. 

Everything is an image on this light. Like the image on the screen. 
 This light is like boundless space. It accommodates the whole uni- verse. Everything is in this light. Nothing is left out.
Understand that you are the light. 
The light is you, the Self. The imperishable Brahman. The ultimate reality, nirvana.

 The I-am that I-am, that is the nature of this golden light. See all the images disappearing and only the light remains. 

Feel this light as your- self. You are filled with joy, filled with bliss, with happiness. You are now the true Self and there are no others. Feel this deeply. Feel this bliss, this love, this joy, pulsating within, without you. All of your past has been wiped out. 

There never was any room for a past or a present or a future. There is just the one mighty Self, expressing itself as consciousness and you are that! Peace."
Robert Adams - Los Angeles, CA - Dec 3, 1992

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