Friday, July 08, 2016

Search for eternal happiness

There is no evenness in this world. You can never have total peace or total chaos. There appears to be two powers and one is always contradicting the other. Look at your personal life. Things are going well for a while; then something happens, seems to pull the rug from under your feet and you become upset. Things are terrible in your life for a while, something comes along and changes it. And things are pretty good for a while and so it is all through your life. 

The time comes when you get disgusted with this whole game. The time comes when you want to search for eternal happiness, for infinite peace that doesn't change. The search begins within yourself. You begin to examine yourself, diligently. You begin to question yourself. And the answers come out of your self. 

They are not necessarily the answers you've been looking for but the answers come. As you search deep within yourself you are led to the right book, to the right teacher, to the right circumstances, the right experience. You begin to unfold. You begin to look at this world in which you live and you see it differently for the first time. 

You see the world as an image projected by your self. The world begins to have less meaning to you. You begin to drop many of the things you've been into, many of the situations, conditions that you've been involved in. You let go of them. You make your life simple. The simpler your life becomes the happier you begin to feel.
— Robert Adams, Transcript 125, The Search Begins Within Yourself, 2nd February, 1992

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