Sunday, November 20, 2016

No thing exists without your permission.

No thing exists without your permission.

Image result for crown chakra images

I know this sounds strange to some of you, but it's the truth.
 The things that you hate and the things that you love in this world are your own projections, your own Self.
 When a being begins to realize that they are the world, they are the universe, they then become very careful of what they think about, of how they perceive things.
All things in this world are subject to the law of change.
 No thing ever remains the same.
 Consequently, if you attach yourself ignorantly to person, place or thing, you're going to suffer, for it must change.
 When you dislike something or someone external from you, you are truly disliking yourself.
 For your Self is omnipresent. 
You are the Self of everything you perceive. 
How can you dislike anything?
 It all has to do with you.
Everything is your Self, not some things. 
If you have a bad temper, if you're ignorant, if you hate, you're doing this to yourself.
 It behooves you therefore to love everything. 
Say to yourself, "I do not understand what it's all about."
 Be honest with yourself. 
But if I hate that tree outside, I'm hating myself.
 Why? When you are in deep sleep, does the world exist for you? 
You cannot say the world exists, because you are in deep sleep.
 You are as good as dead.
 The only thing about what you call death and being in deep sleep, is in deep sleep you wake up again to this world. 
In death you wake up to another world. 
That's the only difference between deep sleep and death.
 So as far as you are concerned you have absolutely nothing to do with this world, when you are in deep sleep.
 When you drop your body you, again, have absolutely nothing to do with this world, and you carry on somewhere else.
Find out what you are all about.
 No things are as it appears.
— From Robert Adams Satsangs: The Collected Works, Transcript 86, On the Path (Getting Rid Of Negative Habits), 11th August, 1991

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