Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a critical skill that we need to live our lives fully and effectively.

 It is also very helpful to have confidence in the Self, The Supreme One, Isness.

These two often go together.

 The more you are confident in your unlimited nature the more you have self-confidence in whatever you endeavour.

 Plus, self-confidence helps you to embrace the freedom that you are. In this release we dissolve the barriers to greater self-confidence and greater confidence in the Self. 

Tip: True self-confidence begins with having confidence in your real authentic Self. The more you recognize the truth of who you are and trust that truth about yourself the more you gain confidence in the Self. This also helps in building self-confidence for external action. So give yourself permission to trust your Beingness.

In this moment could you allow yourself to Be What You Are?
In this moment, when you think of being self confident, having confidence in your personal self and/or in the One Self - what does that bring up inside of you?

What thoughts feelings beliefs ideas attitudes.
Could you welcome it, let it be here?

Welcome any wanting to control your confidence, any wanting to build it up
any wanting to hold on to whatever you have?
-any wanting to do anything with or about your level of self confidence.

Could you welcome any sense of self confidence, whether you have it or not- is somehow personal, about you or who you are?

Just for now as best you can could you let go of any feelings of lack of self confidence ....
or you may be remembering from your past.

and could you be open to complete confidence in your self and or The Self?

(its just a choice )
Lets run through that again....
Welcome any sense of lack of self confidence- any place in your life where you are not doing things because you are not confident about your ability.
or who you are...and any doubt you have about Being The One, which also shows a lack of confidence in One's Self, that is The All.

Welcome, one, both.either....

Welcome what that brings up inside of you...
welcome any sense its personal, about you, who you are.

welcome any wanting to fix, change, control, do anything with/about it.
Could you let go of any self doubt- set free any lack of self confidence.
Could you allow yourself to be confident in/to trust your self/Self?

..the One Self that is The All?

Rinse and repeat several times daily

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