Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Everything, everything is a manifestation of the mind.

So you have two things to do.
When you open your eyes you can either ask yourself,
"Where did "I" come from?
Who am I that slept last night?
Who am I that has just awakened?
Who am I that exists now?

or you can think about the four principles of self-realization.
The four principles of Jnana Marga / Self-Realization
Feel in your heart that....
1- Everything, everything is a manifestation of the mind.
2- I was not born, I do not prevail, and I do not die.
3- Everything is egoless. Nothing has an ego or cause.
Nothing exists.
4- Have a deep feeling of what self-realization is,
by negating everything that is not. Not this, not this...
If you want self-realization and you want to become free,
you want to be free from the ocean of samsara, worldliness,
and become blissful, then it's up to you.
Whatever comes first in your life, that's what you become.
~Robert Adams.

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