Wednesday, May 31, 2017

It's so easy to become peaceful.

Robert Adams:

It's so easy to become peaceful.
It's so easy to become loving, blissful, happy.

You just have to reject all those thoughts that come to you —
all those thoughts, all those feelings, all the emotions.
Just reject them.

You reject them by not giving them power.

You give them power
every time you let them feel something inside of you.
When your thoughts take on a feeling nature
you give them power.

But when you refuse to take on that feeling nature,
the thoughts will disappear.

In other words,
you are the one that gives them power.

You are the one
that creates your condition, be it good or bad.

You are the one
who sees the world the way you see it.

See only yourself, see only reality.

See only emptiness.

It's really very simple to do this.

Just sit the way you're sitting now
and observe.

Do not analyze,
don't try to change your thoughts,

do not fight your thoughts,
just observe them, watch them, look at them,

and when you're ready
you can ask the question,

"To whom do these thoughts come?"

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