Sunday, July 05, 2015

Eagle power animal

A Sacred Messenger from Heaven and,the,Eye of the Sun.
 The eagle lives in the spirit realm and it carries prayers to the Creator and returns with a vision. The eagle possesses healing spiritual power and their magical feathers assist medicine men and women in connecting with Spirit for healing. Eagles will mate on the wind and they symbolize the power of creation when released from the confines of the Earthly realm,with a lesson of staying grounded when soaring high. 
,The eagle teaches that with limited vision we may not see the things that lie before us and how to look at life from a higher perspective.

Bald Eagle,-- Swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual, connection to spirit guides and teachers

Golden Eagle,-- Understands the cycles of the Sun, clear vision, sees from the highest places, spiritual power of the Sun

Wedge-tailed Eagle,-- The Persecuted King. Upperworld Messenger. Pride. Transcending the Ego. Flight of the Spirit.

White-tailed Eagle -- A particularly sociable eagle, and this is reflected in the emotional support that he offers as a power animal. A powerful and agile hunter of fish, he can delve into the unconscious of his shaman companion to retrieve hidden images and influences with his sure and strong talons

book a remote session to discover your power animal

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