Friday, April 15, 2016


If the focus of the sense of ‘me’ is on the rising crest, the person never lives in reality but is constantly poised with the expectation of control of the next instant.

They are therefore constantly concerned with the future.
If the focus is on the back of the falling wave, then the ‘me’ tends to cling to the past and editorializing. With some practice, the focus can be precisely narrowed to only the breaking crest of the wave, for in that instant, there is neither past nor future and neither regret for the past nor longing for nor anticipation of the future. Everything is witnessed to be as it is.
With no editorializing or anticipation, even the illusion of ‘now’ disappears.
 Reality is actually ‘always’ and continuous, with no ‘now’ or ‘then’.
I: Reality and Subjectivity (Kindle Locations 1396-1401).

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