Tuesday, March 28, 2017

there is nobody to be outraged at.

When you hear about the bank robber, hear about the murderer,
you hear about man's inhumanity to man
you want to become outraged,
but as long as you're studying Advaita and
you're coming on this path, you will have to understand that
there is nobody to be outraged at. 

There is nothing to be outraged at. 

It's all yourself. 

There is only one Self and that Self is you. 

You are that Self. 

Out of you emanates everybody and everything.
So you're becoming outrageous to yourself. 

This strikes me to be very funny when I see people
being angry at people, hurting people, hurting themselves.

It comes back to you.
It comes back in different ways, strange ways,
but it always comes back to you. 

Then you say, "Well you mean I'm supposed to be a doormat
and let people walk all over me?"

On the contrary, that will never happen to you
if you're in the right consciousness. 

If you're in the right consciousness
people will not walk all over you at all.

People will leave you alone. 

When you understand that you are the one Self, who can hurt you? 

But think of the ways you get mixed up in this world
by believing situations are real. 

Think of your life just today since you got out of bed. 

How many things turned you on, to anger, to hatred, to disharmony? 

It's your fault, it's always your fault.

~Robert Adams - T. 222 :Uncreate The Universe!
7th February, 1993

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