Thursday, April 03, 2014

D is for Dancer

I recently joined a choir. I was attracted by the kinds of songs...rock, pop and Motown. In the repetoire they have Bruno Mars, ''Just The Way You Are'', which is one of my favourite songs at the moment. Every autumn I look forward to 'Strictly Come Dancing ' and enjoyed Harry Judd enormously. He won in 2011. Can you imagine my delight when I saw a clip of him practising to my favourite song recently. Think I will have a look on youtube to see if the full dance routine is there. Yes- it is...and get a load of that apple green dress and its undulating feathers. Creative types love to experience DNA 12 Strand Activation. I once worked with someone who was in the process of expanding his work with music and moving from the safe confines of a regular job to doing and being what he truly loved.


Stephanie Faris said...

I love to watch dancing, although I couldn't get into Dancing with the Stars or any of those other dancing reality shows. I'm not sure why.

loverofwords said...

The song is lovely. Do you know the other "I love you just the way you are?" My fav.