Saturday, April 29, 2017

Most of us believe we've got our own thoughts

You are a product right now from the conditioning you had
since you were little.
That is what you're experiencing right this moment, nothing else. 

Most of us believe we've got our own thoughts, we can think.
We can make decisions, but that is not true.
You're totally programmed, mesmerized, hypnotized. 

You have many false beliefs inside of you,
waiting to come out at the first opportunity you give them. 

They're like dormant seeds waiting to sprout.
Yet you've got all the ammunition that you need
to get rid of all of these things if you will but use it.

You have self-inquiry to work with. 

You can become the witness to your thoughts and emotions.
You can realize the world is maya and
not identify with its conditionings.

You can know that your body is also maya and not react to it.
You have all those wonderful tools in which to work.

You are free, totally and absolutely free. 

You are boundless, pure awareness right now. 

The old you is melting away. 

All your fears and frustrations of the past are gone. 

You have lifted yourself to a higher vibration. 

The things that used to bother you, annoy you,
are now gone totally and completely. 

You're awake and all is well.

~Robert Adams -T226: Whatever You See Is The Self -
25th February, 1993

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