Sunday, April 30, 2017

To see through that illusion is the most important and greatest leap available for getting closer to comprehending Reality.

Independent of content, the capacity to be, to know, to exist, and to be aware are the a priori substrates to life in its expression as consciousness. 
To exist and be conscious of existence supersedes all logic, reason, or proof. 
Awareness is aware that it is aware. 

To know God, it is only necessary to know and fully comprehend the significance that one exists.

From: “I: Reality and Subjectivity” (2003), Chapter 13: “Mind”, p. 219

With Additional Context:

Everything reveals the miracle of existence and, therefore, everything, without exception, is equal to everything else by virtue of its existence. 

The miracle of existence is a quality that supersedes all others. 

The holiness of the Allness of Creation stands forth as self-evident, and the manifestation of the capacity to exist demonstrates its innate divinity. 

When presumptions are no longer projected onto the observed, the radiance of Divinity shines forth from the world as well as from the Self. The Radiance of God as Self shines forth as the Infinite ‘I’.

►Independent of content, the capacity to be, to know, to exist, and to be aware are the a priori substrates to life in its expression as consciousness. To exist and be conscious of existence supersedes all logic, reason, or proof. Awareness is aware that it is aware. To know God, it is only necessary to know and fully comprehend the significance that one exists.◄ Realize that even the animal knows that it ‘is’ and loves its own existence. (On testing, that calibrates as a true statement.)

The pathway of the heart then bypasses the intellect and puts its faith in the perfection of love rather than the pursuit of the intellect and reason. 

To love, the intellect and logic are merely tools but they are not ‘who I am’. 

‘Mind’ cannot transcend mind by pursuit of the mind, but only by the surrender of the illusion of mind as savior

It is by the heart of Love that one is saved from the limitations of mind by love itself. 
Only love has the power to overcome beliefs. At this point, historically, the seeker is counseled to “Throw away all the books and just be. 

Surrender all to God without reservation. 
Stop struggling and allow the realization of that which you already are.”

The letting go of identification of self as thoughts is facilitated by disengaging from the content of group beliefs, with their well-known and predictable agendas and reactions. 

One can refuse to identify with them as ‘me’. 
To surrender identification with that which was presumed to be ‘me’ allows the real Me to shine forth as the immanent quality of Divinity that is the source of the unencumbered reality of ‘I’.

Q: We note that your lectures always start with the same opening statement, “Everything is happening of its own; nothing is causing anything else.”

A: The belief in linear causality is a basic axiom of the whole structure of the ego/mind dualistic belief system. 

To see through that illusion is the most important and greatest leap available for getting closer to comprehending Reality.

It is critical to grasp that the illusion of linear causality as an explanation for the observed phenomena of life is the major and most profound limitation of thinkingness.

 It is the major block that cannot be transcended even by intellectual geniuses who characteristically calibrate at 499.

From: “I: Reality and Subjectivity” (2003), Chapter 13: “Mind”, pp. 219–220

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