Sunday, April 23, 2017

You are the pure Self.

Identify with the reality.

Let's say for instance you have a hernia. You go to the doctor.
There is nothing wrong with going to the doctor.
There is nothing wrong with this at all.
The doctor tells you what you have to do to correct the hernia.

All the time you realize you know that you are not the body,
you are not the image on the chalkboard. 

You are the pure Self. 

But yet you go through the hernia operation.
You don't think about it. You don't argue about it.
You've done whatever has to be done.
And the body appears to be in good shape again.

When all the time you realize that nothing happened,
there was noone who went through this experience. 

This is how you should look at your everyday affairs,
at your business.Look at your home life. Look at the world,
look at what is happening in the world the same way.

Images, everything is images. 

The light of the Self appears to cause these images
to take form and to do whatever it has to do. 

But there is only the Self, this is the reality
and the images do not even exist. 

We don't even say, "They appear to exist."
For when you think they appear to exist you're giving them value,
you're giving them power.
You're believing in them as if they were reality.

So you have to ask the question. "To whom do they exist?
To whom do these images exist? 

They exist to me. I feel them." 

As soon as you say this to yourself
immediately the answer should come to you.

It is the I, the I-thought that feels the images not you. 

You are free and clear, you have absolutely nothing to do
with the I-thought. 

Now when you have done this you have separated the disease,
the problems where they may seem to be from yourself
haven't you?

 Because the I-thought is out here some place.
It has nothing to do with you. 

The I-thought feels sickness, it feels a headache.
The I-thought feels that when something good happens
you're happy in this world. 

That is all the I-thought that feels this.
So you just watch. You observe.

As you keep doing something like this, as you understand
what I'm talking about, you will notice that the pain disappears. 

For after all who has the pain? The I-thought, not you.
Therefore look at yourself as two separate entities, this will help. 

You look at yourself as the I-thought which goes through the world
and has all kinds of experiences in the world,
good and bad, rich and poor, sick and healthy. 

And the Self which is absolute reality
and is free and clear of everything.

This simply means that what you call sickness or disease
or a problem is outside of your jurisdiction. 

It appears to exist by itself, it is not you.
You have absolutely nothing to do with these things.
Do not judge by appearances. 

Do not try to analyze or figure it out.
For you get deeply involved when you do this. 

Even discussing this is not right. This is between you and yourself. 

There is absolutely nothing to discuss.

 Nothing to talk about.
You remember the chalkboard analogy. 

And you realize that you've always been, you always will be.
There never was a time when you were not and these other things
were simply images that seemed to be superimposed on the self.
So do not identify with the disease itself.
Do not identify with the problem or whatever. 

Rather identify with the Self.
The one that has always been. I am that!

It's not really hard.
As you go through everyday experiences always catch yourself.
Always catch yourself thinking.
Catch yourself worrying, being afraid.
And immediately understand that you are the chalkboard. 

You are the absolute reality that has never changed.
It has always been and will always be. You are perfect.

-Robert Adams - T130: Health Sickness And Death

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